If I was on a desert island.It seems to me, to get on a desert island dreams of almost every student. This is a great opportunity to test their strength of spirit, ability to cope with unexpected difficulties to live independently. I would like to turn briefly to the unexplored land, one in the wild. I am sure that I would be able to cope with all the difficulties and make a journey to the island in a joyful and unforgettable adventure.If I had the opportunity to pack up on a desert island in advance, I would have prepared properly and collected a large backpack camp. I would definitely take with you matches, flashlight, blankets and camp pad, pocket knife, canned food, bait, compass and many other objects that live on the island much easier. Вот всё что я придумал
Если бы я оказался на необитаемом острове, то взял бы телефон. Конечно, телефон не прокормит меня, но и в холодильнике еда, безусловно,закончится. Ее бы мне хватило максимум на месяц.Я бы просто добывал еду сам, а мой девайс стал бы мне хорошим другом, который бы меня от скуки. В этом я,конечно,уверен,так как в моем гаджете очень много различных игр. Не подумайте,что я бы не попробывал позвонить кому-то, позвать на но все попытки провалились бы в бездну, ведь очевидно, что связь ловить не будет. Надеюсь, что моя позиция ясна. И я только заметила, что тебе нужно на английском, извини ) If I will stand on a desert island, I would have picked up the phone. Of course, the phone will not support me, but the food in the refrigerator, of course, is over. It would be enough for me up to month.I would just get food itself, and my device would be a good friend for me that I would be saved from boredom. In this course, I'm sure, because in my gadget are so many different games. Do not think that I would not try to call someone for help me , but all attempts have failed in the abyss, it is obvious that the relationship will not catch. I hope that my position is clear.
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Keep everything on disc.if the want lose all your work 1.smashes 2.stumps 3.sticks 4.crashes