
Какая транскрипция у слова паралель на

Английский язык


Параллель- parallel
ˈparallel - пЭрэлел
I don't like to be engaged in house affairs, but it's necessary. Our apartment is large, and our mother can't do everything alone. Of course, it is boring to do household chores, but I do not like to quarrel and upset my parents. I hate washing the dishes. I don't like water the flowers, but it must be done. We distributed the responsibilities at home, and it certainly becomes easier. My sister and I are responsible for cleaning of the rooms. Twice a week we sweep the floor, water our mother's flowers in the pots. It seems they are everywhere: in the kitchen, in the rooms, in the bedroom, in the boxes on the floor. My brother takes out the rubbish and keeps order on the balcony. The carpets are daddy's responsibility. But we enter the kitchen, only to have breakfast-lunch-dinner. This is our mother's territory. We believe that by doing things together, we are real power. A family.
Я не люблю заниматься домашними делами, но это необходимо. Наша квартира большая, и наша мама не может делать все в одиночку. Конечно, это скучно заниматься домашними делами, но я не люблю ссориться и расстраивать моих родителей. Я ненавижу мыть посуду. Мне не нравится поливать цветы, но это нужно делать. Мы распределили обязанности по дому, и конечно, стало легче. Моя сестра и я ответственные за уборку комнат. Два раза в неделю мы подметаем полы, поливаем мамины цветы в горшках. Кажется, они у нас везде: на кухне, в комнатах, в спальне, в коробках, на полу. Мой брат выносит мусор и следит за порядком на балконе. Ковры - это папина обязанность. Но мы заходим на кухню только завтракать-обедать-ужинать. Это мамина территория. Мы верим, что делая всё вместе, мы реальная сила. Семья.
4) It's much (harder) to raise money on the Stock Exchange. 5) On the other hand, a medium-term loan is (easier) to control than a fluctuating overdraft. 6) He's one of (the best) negotiators I've met. 7) The Stock Exchange rules are (more formal) than the USM (Unlisted Securities Market). 8) The banks will be (more cautious) than the securities markets. 9) A fixed-term loan is (less flexible) than a fluctuating overdraft. 10) Venture capital is (more difficult) to raise than we are led to believe. 11) The (more rapidly) an economy adjusts to inflation, the (more likely) it will reach hyperinflation. 12) Many people considered that the income statement is (more important than) financial report because it measures the business's achievements and failures. 13) The lack of good communication skills is the (most serious) deficiency of graduates. 14) The past performance of a business is often a (better) indicator of future performance than many others.

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