My life has changed dramatically during this summer. In particular, I decided to transform it in a better way. I started going to the gym to keep fit. Moreover, I became a volunteer. I am responsible for three cats in a shelter for homeless animals. I also don't forget about my friend. We meet and have fun almost every day. We used to go to the zoo because my mum worked there and gave us free tickets. However, my school has started, so I have to spend more time at home doing my homework. I am happy that school has started because I receive knowledge that will help me in the future.
Лето это особенное время. На целых три месяца можно забыть о школе. Каждое лето наполнено яркими событиями и приятными воспоминаниями. Этим летом я отдыхал на природе. Мы с родителями выезжали на берег озера и жили там в домике на базе отдыха. Рядом рос сосновый бор с высокими, золотистыми соснами. Там хорошо было гулять в солнечные дни. Остальное время летнего отдыха я провел в городе, у себя дома. Я играл в компьютерные игры, читал книги и журналы, ездил на пляж, играл с друзьями во дворе. Мне понравился мой летний отдых.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. we are 4 … our family. 2. we meet our relatives … some special occasions. 3. my cousin got married … last year. 4. my mother is a doctor … profession. 5. my friend's father works … the railway. 6. my brother goes … school. he is … the 7th grade. 7. my parents are … their late thirties. 8. they are twins, but … spite … this they are very different. 9. my brother is crazy … football. 10. i take … my mother – i'm fair-haired and blue-eyed. 11. i always take care … my younger sister. 12. our dog is devoted … all the members of the family. 13. my parents are easy to get … with and i would always come to them first if i had any problem to be solved.
6)to. in
8)in ... of
11) of