
My favourite sport hi! it's me again. there is plenty to do after school hours, particularly sport which i enjoy most. i love many sports but best of all football. almost all my friends are in our football team. we train hard and we often play for the school in various regional youth tournaments. our coach has taught us all rigid rules which must be strictly observed. the last game we played ended in a draw - 3: 3. and though we know the famous olympic quotation "the most important thing is not to win, but to take part" , we all want to win some day. i do sport every day. after school on mondays i go running with my friends for about an hour. then i go to the swimming pool. swimming is an excellent way to keep fit. it makes your legs and body strong. pele, the greatest footballer of all time, is my idol in football. he became a world star at the age of only 17, when brazil first won the world cup in sweden. he played in four world cup competitions and scored over 1.200 goals in his career before finaly retiring in 1977. in 1994 he became brazilian special minister for sport. i'm happy that i have take up sport. it helps me to become fit and i hope it will help to develop confidence, persistence, responsibility, and courage which are most important qualities to become a personality. besides sport gives you a sense of duty, a sense of collectivism and discipline.

Английский язык


Привет! это снова я. есть много, чтобы сделать после школы, особенно вид спорта, который мне нравится больше всего. Я люблю много спорта, но лучше всего футбола. Почти все мои друзья в нашей сборной по футболу. Мы упорно тренироваться, и мы часто играют для школы в различных региональных молодежных турнирах. Наш тренер научил нас все жесткие правила, которые должны строго соблюдаться. Последняя игра, мы играли закончился вничью - 3: 3. И хотя мы знаем, знаменитый олимпийский цитату "Самое главное не победа, а принять участие", мы все хотим, чтобы выиграть нибудь.
Я занимаюсь спортом каждый день. После школы по понедельникам я бегать с друзьями в течение приблизительно часа. Тогда я иду к бассейну. Плавание является отличным чтобы поддерживать себя в форме. Это делает ваши ноги и тело сильным.
Пеле, величайший футболист всех времен, мой кумир в футболе.
Он стал мировой звездой в возрасте всего лишь 17 лет, когда Бразилия впервые выиграл Кубок мира в Швеции. Он играл в четырех соревнованиях Кубка мира и забил более 1.200 голов в своей карьере, прежде чем Финлей пенсию в 1977 г. В 1994 г. он стал бразильский Специальный министр спорта.
Я счастлив, что у меня есть заниматься спортом. Это мне стать нужным и я надеюсь, что это будет развитию уверенности, настойчивости, ответственности и мужества, которые являются наиболее важными качествами, чтобы стать личностью. Кроме того, спорт дает вам чувство долга, чувство коллективизма и дисциплины.

1. Proteting Enviroment is very hard mission.

2. Cleaning water is difficult work.

3. Financing of the protecting companies is very expensive.

4. Enjoying to the project the saving of nature is nobly.

5. Researching the enviromental problems is not cheap.

Put the Modal Verbs in nessesary position in sentence with right punctuation:

1. we can consurme help workers to get good prices for their food

2. the buisnesmen must help to protect nature

3. you may enjoy and work with us .That is great

Change the verbs into the form of Gerund.

1. Taking a regular shower is part of our life.

2. Drinking a clean water is usefull for our health.

3. Boiling any food is right cooking.

4. Fishing in a clean river is not dangerous.

5. Eating fresh foods is very healthy for our organism.

Put the Modal Verbs in nessesary position in sentence with right punctuation:

6. we can help workers to get good results of water investigations

7. the politics must help to protect nature

8. we may enjoy the nature protect organization It is great



Dear Paul,

Thank you for your letter! I'm glad to hear that you've passed your driving test! Congratulations!

I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time. I've been really busy with my new project. By the way, thank you for your brilliant idea. I really had the best presentation last time. I really appreciated your advice.

As for your question, I think all you have to do is just regular exercises. Don't be lazy and try to find at least 20-30 minutes for your health every day. There is a rule of 30 minutes a day: if you do something at least 30 minutes a day you will have a result at the end of the week. For example, if you read 50 pages during this time, at the end of the week you'll have total of about 350 pages. If we say that we don't have enough time for it (as we usually do) we have 0 result at the end of the week. Besides, they say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So all you have to do is to take the bull by the horns and try it for just 3 weeks.

Unfortunately, I need to come back to my project. I hope my advice was helpful.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,


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My favourite sport hi! it's me again. there is plenty to do after school hours, particularly sport which i enjoy most. i love many sports but best of all football. almost all my friends are in our football team. we train hard and we often play for the school in various regional youth tournaments. our coach has taught us all rigid rules which must be strictly observed. the last game we played ended in a draw - 3: 3. and though we know the famous olympic quotation "the most important thing is not to win, but to take part" , we all want to win some day. i do sport every day. after school on mondays i go running with my friends for about an hour. then i go to the swimming pool. swimming is an excellent way to keep fit. it makes your legs and body strong. pele, the greatest footballer of all time, is my idol in football. he became a world star at the age of only 17, when brazil first won the world cup in sweden. he played in four world cup competitions and scored over 1.200 goals in his career before finaly retiring in 1977. in 1994 he became brazilian special minister for sport. i'm happy that i have take up sport. it helps me to become fit and i hope it will help to develop confidence, persistence, responsibility, and courage which are most important qualities to become a personality. besides sport gives you a sense of duty, a sense of collectivism and discipline.
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