
What kind of word is needed in each sentence? complete the sentences using the words in capitals. 1) nobody expected them to _ but they did (success) 2) i haven't passed my driving test for the ninth time. i feel like a ) 3) losing your privacy is a price you have to pay for ) 4) she took her employers to court and won compensation(success) 5) your projects were excellent - you can all be very proud of your ) 6) you're very talented , you know - you have an amazing __ to predict problems(able)

Английский язык


1)succeed-получаться, преуспевать (verb- глагол)-для ответа на часть вопроса-what kind of word, подрузамевая часть речи) 2) failure (noun,-сущ) complete failure-полный неудачник 3)fame (noun) слава 4)successfully (adverb наречие) удачно 5) achievement, достижение

Drama is a sad film genre that describes someone's grief and misfortune and how he is afraid with him or about sad love depends on the content and plot of the film. Comedy is a hilarious film genre, the title itself recalls the jokes in films and its style of humor. Comedy can be both adult and childish. Comedy is also hard and soft. For example, in cartoons there is violence and it can be fun for someone, it is called hard humor and they also call it black. And soft humor is ordinary jokes without any violence.


ну, вот что ли...


a) "Did you go to the cinema yesterday?”

"Yes, I did."

"No, I didn't."

b) "Did you play computer games last night?”

"Yes, I did.”

"No, I didn't.”

c) “ Did  you see Harry Potter?”

"Yes, I did.”

"No, I didn't.”

d)Does your father come home late?

в времени Did your father come home late?

Yes, he came late

No, he didn't come late

Did your parents go to university?

Yes, they went to university

No, they didn't go to university

f) Where  did you go last summer?

I went to Turkey

g) Who did you phone yesterday?

I phoned to my mother

h) "When  did you wake up?"

I woke up at 10 o'clock

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What kind of word is needed in each sentence? complete the sentences using the words in capitals. 1) nobody expected them to _ but they did (success) 2) i haven't passed my driving test for the ninth time. i feel like a ) 3) losing your privacy is a price you have to pay for ) 4) she took her employers to court and won compensation(success) 5) your projects were excellent - you can all be very proud of your ) 6) you're very talented , you know - you have an amazing __ to predict problems(able)
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