They were the best of times - они были лучшие со всех времен Вэй вёр увэ бест оф таймс They really, really were - они точно, точно были.. Вэй рилли, рилли вёр I went to a big museum - я был в большом музее Ай вэнт то э биг мьюзиум And I saw the dinosaurs there - И я видел динозавров там Энд ай соу увэ динозаурс вэрэ I damsel all night at a concert - я провел всю ночь на концерте Ай дэмсэл олл найт эт э концерт I stayed up very late - Я проснулся очень рано Ай стэйд ап вэри лэйт The rides were really great - Поездки были действительно замечательны Увэ райдс вёр рилли грэйт
Dmitrievna Lvovich
One day an old gentleman was walking along the streets. He saw a small boy near the door of one of the houses. The boy was standing near the door and tried to reach the door-bell, which was too high from him. The old gentleman was a kind person, so he stopped to help the boy. "I will ring the door-bell instead of you,"-he said and pulled the door-bell. The little boy looked at him and said, laughing: "And now we should run away." The old man didn"t understand what was going on. The boy disappeard behind the corner, and the old man had to explain to the annoyed owner of the house, why he rang the door-bell.