
Небольшое (5-8 предложений) сочинение на про беловежскую пущу

Английский язык


Belovezhkaya Pusha is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense (огромный) primeval (первобытный, девственный) forest that once stretched (простирался) across the European Plain. The forest is home to many European bison, Europe's heaviest animal. 
Belovezhkaya Pusha is takes 2,162 sqare kilometers. The forest is located in Poland and Belarus. Now it is one of the most famous places for the tourists in Belarus
In the original version of his biography of Tony Stark, a genius inventor and a wealthy industrialist with a reputation as a playboy, suffering from injuries received them in captivity, where he was forced to develop for terrorists weapons of mass destruction. Instead, it creates a high-tech suit armor, by which he escapes from captivity. Later, Stark improves his armor weapons and devices created on the basis of its resources, and use it (armor), in order to protect the world in the guise of Iron Man, the first time hiding her identity.
Initially, Iron Man, being a product of the Cold War and the Vietnam War in particular was for Stan Lee means the disclosure of their respective roles and the US economy in the struggle against communism; over time in subsequent rethinking of the image stress it is put on corporate crime and terrorism issues.
Throughout the publication, Iron Man is associated primarily with the Avengers team, being one of its co-founders, and several side from her superhero teams; his solo series, which was launched in May 1968, has gone through 5 volumes, uttering with a break in 2008-2012, when it was replaced by a series of The Invincible Iron Man, until 2014. Later, with the rise in popularity, Iron Man has become a character of several animated series and cartoons, with both solo and as part of the Avengers. In the films belonging to the cinematic Marvel Universe, his role is played by actor Robert Downey Jr.

Яблочный день  в народном календаре славян,приходящийся на 19 августа.Являлся одним из первых праздников урожая;день,с которого,согласно поверьям,природа разворачивалась от лета к осени и зиме.У славян католиков отмечен слабо.
По народным приметам,Яблочный означает наступление осени и преображение природы.У восточных славян только с Яблочного позволялось есть яблоки и блюда из плодов нового урожая.В этот день они освящаются в церкви.

Славянские обычаи и поверья

В этот день в церквях освящали плоды и фрукты нового урожая,мёд,хлебные колосья.Освящённые колосья и семена сохраняли до следующего сева.
Существовало поверье,что на том свете детям,родители которых до этого дня не едят яблок,раздают гостинцы(среди них и райские яблоки).А тем детям,родители которых пробовали яблоки, --- нет.По этому многие родители,а особенно те,у которых умерли дети,считают великим грехом съесть яблоко до Второго Женщины, потерявшие детей,утром этого дня должны были отнести в храм несколько яблок,освятить,занести и положить на могилки умерших детей.В том случае,если могила ребёнка далеко или вовсе неизвестно где,следует освящённое яблоко положить на любую детскую могилу или оставить яблоко в храме.Многие крестьяне освящённые яблоки несли на кладбище и клали на могилы всем умершим родственникам.

Сами же люди в этот праздник если блюда связанные с яблоками,то есть:
Яблочные пироги,пирожки и другие блюда которые можно представить.

Тот же текст на английском:

Savior of the Apple feast - day in the folk calendar of the Slavs,which falls on August 19.Was one of the first of the harvest festivals;the day on which,according to popular belief,nature is unfolded from summer to autumn and winter.The Slavs Catholics are poorly marked.

On national signs,Apple saved means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature.The Eastern Slavs only the Apple of the Savior was allowed to eat apples and dishes of the fruits of the new harvest.On this day, they are sanctified in the Church.

Slavic customs and beliefs

On this day in churches consecrated and fruits of the new harvest,honey,bread ears.Sanctified ears and seeds are preserved until the next planting season.

There was a belief that at the light of the children whose parents to this day do not eat apples,handing out Goodies(among them Paradise apples).And those children whose parents tried apples, --- no.For this, many parents,especially those whose children died,is considered a great sin to eat an Apple before the Second of our Saviour.Women who have lost children,this morning had to bring to the temple a few apples,to sanctify,to bring and to put on the graves of dead children.In that case,if the baby's grave far away or do not know where should Apple consecrated to put on any child's grave or leave the Apple in the temple.Many peasants consecrated apples was carried to the cemetery and laid them on the graves of all deceased relatives.

The people at this feast if the dishes are related to apples,that is:

Apple pies,cakes and other dishes you can think of.

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