После завоевания независимости и возникновения единого государства США первый президент страны Дж. Вашингтон предложил отмечать День благодарения как национальный праздник ежегодно 26 ноября. В 1864 году по окончании Гражданской войны А. Линкольн провозгласил последний четверг ноября каждого года Днём благодарения.
After gaining independence and the emergence of a united state of the United States, the first president of the country, George Washington, proposed celebrating Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday every year on November 26. In 1864, after the end of the Civil War, A. Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November every year as Thanksgiving Day.
Вот твоё поздравление: The New Year 2021 will come very soon. And I want to express my suppression to you. I wish you good health, new achievements, fewer problems and unnecessary troubles in the New Year 2021. I would also like to note that 2021 would be more positive for you, and not disheartening with your actions, as it happened this year. And also celebrate this new year well so that there is something to remember for the whole coming year. After all, as you meet the new year, you will spend it.
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Компьютер стёр вопросы о друге поросёнка питера, оставив лишь его ответы. попробуй восстановить вопросы. запиши их. догадайся, кто друг питера. образец: is he sad& - no, he is not. he is merry. 1) yes, he does. he lives in the forest. 2) yes, he has. he has got many friends. 3) yes, he does. he goes to school. 4) no, he doesn t. he likes honey, jam and cakes
Yes, he does. He lives in the forest.
2) Has he got any friends?
Yes, he has. He has got many friends.
3) Does he go to school?
Yes, he does. He goes to school.
4) Does he like eating grass?
No, he doesn't. he likes honey, jam and cakes