
Кондишинал) 1. the sentence ) longer if they ) any money. 2. if the toy shop ) closed, they ) home. 3. if he /run) into the bank, he /fall) over. 4. the customers ) frightened if they ) it was a real robbery. 5. the police /believe) them if they /find) the missing bag.

Английский язык


1/ The sentence will be longer if they steal any money.
2/ If the toy shop is closed, they go home.
3/ If he doesn`t run into bank, he didn`t fall over.
4/ The customers would be frightened if they thought it was a real robbery.
5/ The police would not believe them if they do not find the missing bag.
1. Have they already announced the results of our tests? - Yes, they did it some minutes ago. - What mark did you get?
2. What is wrong? I see you are in a bad mood? - I have been translating this article since morning, but I have not finished it yet.
3. Where are they ? - Last week they left for Paris. If I receive any news, I will let you know.
4. Do You know him well? - I have known him since childhood. He has always been a very honest man.
5. What did he do in the garden some minutes ago? - He found a little bird. He thought it fell out of the nest.
6. Yesterday on my way home I met my daughter. She told that she had been waiting for me for two hours. She had lost her key.
7. He has always dreamt to become an actor. He has been dreaming, about it since childhood.
8 . I was very tired, when I came home yesterday. When I began to warm my dinner, my friend phoned me. We spoke only for' five minutes, but when I entered the kitchen, I saw that I had burnt it.
9. After they had spent their holidays together, she understood that her friend hadn't been such nice person as she thought.
10. Will You take you children to the zoo next Sunday? - Yes, they have never been in the zoo before. I hope they will like it.
11. One morning a letter arrived to them. The letter said that their aunt would arrive the next day.
12. Who has given you my phone number? - I asked Nick to give me your number as I wanted to tell you something very important.
13. She thinks of having ice-cream for dessert. She hasn't have it for a long time.
14. Why haven't you written this exercise yet? I hope you will finish writing by seven o’clock. If you won't have written it by that time, I will not allow you to watch television.
15. He was talking to the gardener, outside the door, when his cleaner arrived.
16. Do You like Kyiv? — Yes. I love this city. I have been here three times, you know. •
17. Yesterday, when I heard how he sang in the next room, I realized that I had never heard anyone worse.
18. Has Paul telephoned me today? I do not  want to speak to him.
... листы прозрачной пленки, которые называются "зарисовки", а затем их переснимают. Каждый рисунок слегка отличен от предыдущего. Например, при движении персонажа, когда пленка проецируется со скоростью 24 кадра в секунду. Компьютерная анимация очень похожа на пленочную проекцию. Прежде чем мультфильм начнут делать, кто то решает о чем будет этот  сюжет, а затем придумывают историю к нему. Только вместо использования карандашей люди, которые рисуют, используют специальные компьютерные программы. Когда добавляется одно движение компьютерная программа используется для визуализации анимации, что проще и быстрее. Самый последний шаг - это компоновка всего этого в фильм - в один большой файл со всеми картинками и движениями, которые составлены из множества различных раздельных файлов. Только тогда вы сможете увидеть эти файлы как обычное кино

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Кондишинал) 1. the sentence ) longer if they ) any money. 2. if the toy shop ) closed, they ) home. 3. if he /run) into the bank, he /fall) over. 4. the customers ) frightened if they ) it was a real robbery. 5. the police /believe) them if they /find) the missing bag.
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