Раскр. скобки в презент симпл или презент континиус.tom(to be)tired.he(to be) embarrassed because he(to yawn) his head off.2.i(to be) sad.that(to be)why(to cry)
1)Tom is tired. He is embarrassed bc he is yawning... 2) I am sad. That's why I'm crying.
№1 1-Когда начнутся каникулы? 2-Я отдохну,когда начнутся каникулы(или я отдохну на каникулах). 3-Мы поплаваем,если вода будет теплая. 4-У них будет возможность пойти завтра на речку. 5-Мы ,должно быть, хорошо проведем время.(SHANT-не поняла,проверь написание) 6-Тебе придется навестить его в больнице(госпитале). 7-Ты дашь мне книгу 8-Я собираюсь пойти с тобой(wint-WITH,наверное это имела в виду) №2 1-There won't be a lot of ... Will there be a lot of people...? 2-We shall not do... Shall we do a lot...? №3 1-We will take an exam soon. 2-they will be able to come at the end of the month 3-You'll have to help him 4-We will go for a walk if you come №4 After classes i will go out with my boyfriend(for example) Yes,I will have 5 lessons tomorrow No,my mothew will be free on sunday
During my summer break I am going to enjoy my free time and good weather. I am going to spend time with my family and friends. I plan to take long walks, go to parks, and visit various interesting places of our town such as the riverside, the zoo, and the theaters. At the end of the break my family and I are going to travel to the seaside. What I am definitely not going to do is studying and waste my time indoors playing computer games or browsing the Internet - summer time is quite short and I am going to make the best of it.
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Раскр. скобки в презент симпл или презент континиус.tom(to be)tired.he(to be) embarrassed because he(to yawn) his head off.2.i(to be) sad.that(to be)why(to cry)
He is embarrassed bc he is yawning...
2) I am sad.
That's why I'm crying.