Short track speed skating is a form of competitiveice speed skating. in competitions, multiple skaters (typically between four and six) skate on an oval ice track with a circumference of 111.12 m. the rink itself is 60 m by 30 m, which is the same size as an international-sized ice hokcey ring.short track speed skating originated in the speed skating events held with mass starts. this form of speed skating was mainly practiced in the united states and canada, as opposed to the international form, where skaters skated in pairs. at the winter olympics speed skating events were conducted in the mass start form. competitions in north america were also held indoors, for example in madison sqare. yeork, and therefore on shorter tracks than usual for outdoor 1967, the isu adopted short track speed skating, although it did not organize international competitions until 1976.the event is now held annually as the world short track speed skating championships.
Вот тебе сочинение на тему "зачем нужен язык? " "why do you need english? "на : зачем нужен язык? ответ на этот вопрос даст, я думаю, каждый. 21 век - время открытия границ и объединения стран. миллионы российских жителей выезжают за границу с самыми разнообразными целями: отдыхать по туристической путевке, работать по контракту в западной компании и, в конце концов, в париж или милан за последней модной коллекцией! в какую бы страну ни поехал человек, ему приходится общаться с людьми. сложилось так, что универсальным языком общения стал язык. в аэропорту, в гостинице, в такси, на улице - везде вы сможете чувствовать себя свободно и уверенно, если в багаже ваших знаний есть хотя бы пара десятков слов! на : why do you need english? the answer to this question will , i think , everyone. 21st century - the opening of borders and country groupings . millions of russian citizens traveling abroad with a variety of purposes: to rest as tourists , working under contract to a foreign company and , eventually , to paris or milan for the latest fashion collections ! whichever country or traveled man , he has to communicate with people. historically, that universal language became english. at the airport , at the hotel in a taxi on the street - everywhere you can feel at ease and confident if the baggage of your knowledge there is at least a couple dozen english words!
1 c 10 c
2 d 11 b
3 a 12 b
4 d 13 c
5 d 14 b
6 c 15 d
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9 d