
Переведите предложения в косвенную речь: 1. она сказала, что придёт участие в работе. 2. он сказа мне, что интересуется . 3. он спросил меня, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 4. я заметил, что она смотрит на меня. 5. учитель сказал, что мы должны повторить правила. 6. я не знал, что он живёт на этой улице. 7. он напомнил мне отправить письмо. 8. он поинтересовался, часто ли мы ходим в театр. 9. они спросили меня, когда я позвоню своим родителям? 10. я слышал, что они работают уже несколько месяцев.

Английский язык


1)She said she will participate in the work.2)He tells me that he's interested in history.
3. He asked me what kind of music I love my friends.
4. I noticed that she was looking at me.
5. The teacher said that we have to repeat the rules.
6. I didn't know that he lives on this street.
7. He reminded me to send a letter.
8. He wondered how often do we go to the theatre.
9. They asked me when I ring your parents?
10. I heard that they have been working for a few months


1) Most children begin their secondary education at the age of 12

2)Most pupils go to state comprehensive schools. Parents do not pay for their education.

3)Pupils usually have five lessons five days a week

4)They don't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, do they?

Yes it's true

5)Every morning they have a twenty minute break after the first lesson.

6)They have a long break for lunch, don't they?

Yes it is

7) At four o'clock classes are usually over and pupils go home.

8)In schools in England only 6 semesters

9)Christmas holidays and Easter holidays are shorter than summer holidays

10)The school year in English schools begins on September 1 and ends on June 30

2.Второе сам хз )))



“What should I choose as my future profession?” – this is a question that every young person asks himself entering the adult world. Of course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.For example, I like biology. I adore animals, plants, insects, and all forms of life. I spend many hours reading books about wild nature, characters and habits of animals, underwater life etc. I believe that nature is so mysterious and powerful, that it’s natural to admire it and to devote all your life to its exploration.But it’s not my only hobby. Most of all I like painting and I want to be an artist. As a child, I began to draw everything I saw around myself. I drew my parents, my friends, my kitten, flowers and other things. Then I entered art school and began to study painting.My parents doubt this is the right decision. They say this profession demands on you to give it all your energy and passion and one must be fully dedicated to it in order to achieve perfection. At the same time nowadays it’s difficult to earn your living with painting. But I don’t agree with them.I think that modern life open new horizons for artists and they can work in many fields today. Many artists work as designers for advertising agencies or for web design studios. Yes, there are many designers who draw with computer programs like Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, but the skill of drawing by hand is highly appreciated in many design studios. Besides, such job demands not only computer knowledge, but also creative thinking of an artist.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведите предложения в косвенную речь: 1. она сказала, что придёт участие в работе. 2. он сказа мне, что интересуется . 3. он спросил меня, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 4. я заметил, что она смотрит на меня. 5. учитель сказал, что мы должны повторить правила. 6. я не знал, что он живёт на этой улице. 7. он напомнил мне отправить письмо. 8. он поинтересовался, часто ли мы ходим в театр. 9. они спросили меня, когда я позвоню своим родителям? 10. я слышал, что они работают уже несколько месяцев.
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Sadikova Gavrikov