
The adjective. study the adjectives and adverbs. fill in the gaps with a correct adjective or adverb: good/well, fast, hard/hardly, late/lately. 1. your diet should be -balanced. 2. he is a very accountant. 3. i was so tired. i could do my homework. 4. she got up yesterday, so she did not have any time to cook breakfast. 5. he has not seen her . 6. he worked very to become a chef of the restaurant. 7. don't drive so . we have a lot of time. 8. it is for everybody to have some knowledge of business. 9. he was for dinner, so he had to buy something to eat. 10. he does his work very .

Английский язык


1 well
2 good
3 hardly
4 late
5 lately
6 hard
7 fast
8 good
9 late
10 well

Hi Matthew,

I'm writing to invite you to my birthday party that will be organised on May 25th at my home. We are going start at 8PM so please don't be late and dress up correctly as it's going to be a thematic party. By the way, the theme is called "Horror Story" and I hope you will choose something really frightening from your wardrobe. We are also going to play various active games and dance a lot so you should take it into consideration too. If you don't know how to get to my place you can give me a call and I'll provide you with all the details. I'll be happy to see you here! Have a nice day!

See you soon,



ответ:Дорога Хелен,

Як ти поживаєш? Є що-небудь новеньке? Я хотіла відразу ж відповісти на твій лист, але в останні два тижні у мене було багато роботи. Часу не вистачало, щоб здійснити свої плани.

У нас вже прийшла весна. На вулиці тепло і сонячно цілий день. Під час роботи я постійно уявляю себе гуляє по різним паркам. Я б хотіла, щоб ти склала мені компанію. Було б весело! Кілька днів тому подруга порадила мені почитати цікаву книгу. Я її прочитала і хотіла б познайомити тебе з цим автором. Ти готова читати хорошу літературу?

Розкажи мені більше про свою роботу і вільний час. Чи задоволена ти всім  цим ? Які твої плани на це літо? Може бути, ми зможемо зустрітися один день?

З повагою,

Джессіка ( Напишеш своє ім'я)


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The adjective. study the adjectives and adverbs. fill in the gaps with a correct adjective or adverb: good/well, fast, hard/hardly, late/lately. 1. your diet should be -balanced. 2. he is a very accountant. 3. i was so tired. i could do my homework. 4. she got up yesterday, so she did not have any time to cook breakfast. 5. he has not seen her . 6. he worked very to become a chef of the restaurant. 7. don't drive so . we have a lot of time. 8. it is for everybody to have some knowledge of business. 9. he was for dinner, so he had to buy something to eat. 10. he does his work very .
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