My dream job is a police officer. I want to help people and catch criminals so that the world becomes kinder and better. This job is dangerous, but it’s worth it, because I’m ready. I wanted to become a police officer since then I heard about this job, I really liked it back then.
Я мечтаю стать полицейским, я хочу людям и ловить преступников, чтобы мир стал лучше. Эта работа опасная, но это того стоит, я готов. Я хотел стать полицейским ещё тогда, когда услышал про эту работу, мне она очень понравилась.
From early childhood, this profession attracts both boys and girls with its heroic romance, which is largely facilitated by fiction and cinema. So the profession of a policeman seems to many full of exciting adventures and exciting events, while in fact the defense of law and order requires daily and sometimes monotonous work and routine work.
However, it cannot be denied that there are acute and sometimes dangerous moments in the life of the operational police service. And this suggests that those who want to become a police officer must be in excellent physical shape, be decisive, courageous and careful.
from who stands guard over the safety of citizens, as they say, on the fighting flank, must be unusually resilient and responsible, since not only order, but also the life of citizens and colleagues at work often depends on his clear and confident actions.
However, the profession of a policeman is not only in the pursuit of criminals, as many believe. It is also a documentary work, the strict and scrupulous implementation of which is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire system.
So a police officer is obliged to combine exceptionally high moral qualities, impeccable knowledge of the laws and the ability to protect himself and other citizens from all kinds of dangers and problems.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Написать special, general, tag and alternative questions по 10 шт !
1.Who played basketball on the play ground?
2.Where does she go on these weekend?
3.Why do you not go to school today?
4.When this man will write his test?
5.Who was sleep at this sofa?
6.When do you go to swimming in the pool?
7.Where do you live?
8.Who dream at the lesson?
9.Where can we meet?
10.Why your brother can go to the pool alone?
2)General(did,is,are, will, has,have, do,does)
1.Did they meet yesterday?
2.Is he wearing a dress?
3.Will you can find my book?
4.Has teacher dreamt on her lessons?
5.Does he eat his soup?
6.Do you go to school today?
7.Will she buy a pet?
8.Did her mum give you a computer?
9.Have you been abroad?
10.Will you spend your holidays in the London?
3)Tag(вопрос+ в конце don't we(they,you...), doesn't he(she,it),won't(...), didn't (...)...
1.He meet his cousin on the station, won't he(will not)?
Я устала придумай по пртнципу
4)Alternative(или или)
1.He buy new phone or computer?
2.She will go to the park or go to eat?
Всю я честно устала не могу уже писать ну принцип понятно я думаю