СРАЗУ ГОВОРЮ НАШЛА В ИНТЕРНЕТЕ ) Я живу на Сосновой улице. Это очень тихая улочка на окраине нашего города. Она очень зеленая весной и летом. На ней много деревьев. Тротуары обсажены липами. А в садах у людей много фруктовых деревьев и сирени. В мае вся улица превращается в цветущий сад. На Сосновой мало транспорта. Воздух свежий, он не загрязнен выхлопными газами. Я люблю возвращаться домой на нашу улицу после дня, проведенного в центре города. Я терпеть не могу шум и сутолоку в центре. Я бы не хотел жить на другой улице.Перевод на английский:I live in Sosnovaya Street. It is a very quiet street on the outskirts of our city. It;s very green in spring and summer. There are a lot of trees in it. The side-walks are lined with lime-trees. There are also many fruit-trees and lilacs in the people;s gardens. In May the whole street turns into a blooming garden. There isn;t much traffic in Sosnovaya Street. The air is fresh, it isnt polluted with gases. I like to come back to our street after a day spent in the centre of the city. I hate noise and crowds in downtown. I wouldn;t like to live in a different street.
Today is not much colder than yesterday. You should now spend on english garazdo longer than last year. Today, even hotter than yesterday. Your report has been the most interesting at the conference. Today dictation was two times harder than last week. My coat is not as warm as your. I realized that the more love you give the more people get it. The lecture we attended today garazdo soderzhitelnee predyduschiy.Ona sings better than many of the group, she very beautiful voice I've ever heard. I feel bad. day was bad, a lot of time was spent frivolity.
Christmas Day is the holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all friends give each other presents. Before Christmas all shops and supermarkets are crowded, everybody want to buy a present.
People decorate their houses in the traditional way. Christmas trees are usually put up in houses. They are always decorated with light and angels . Little packets with nuts and candies are hung on the tree.
The Germans believe, that they were the first, who started celebrate Christmas and Martin Luther was the first, who put a tar on a top of a Christmas tree.
I love this Holiday. When I was a little girl,I believe at Santa Claus. I always wote letters to Santa Claus. Now, I don`t believe at Santa Claus, but I love this holiday.
On the Eve of the Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them.
Santa Claus was a person whose name was St. Nicolas, who always gave presents to poor children. After he died, the Germans brought this legend to America. Soon, St. Nicolas became Santa Claus.
Carol singing is a traditional part of Christmas. In the evening children come to the door of a house and sing for a person who lives in this house. Then he or she gives children nuts and candies. If I live in Great Britain, I will sing that songs too.
So, Christmas is a lovely holiday for all the people in Great Britain. I love this wonderful holiday. Christmas is my lovely holiday in the world. I think that people in our world love this fantasticholiday too.
Я живу на Сосновой улице. Это очень тихая улочка на окраине нашего города. Она очень зеленая весной и летом. На ней много деревьев. Тротуары обсажены липами. А в садах у людей много фруктовых деревьев и сирени. В мае вся улица превращается в цветущий сад. На Сосновой мало транспорта. Воздух свежий, он не загрязнен выхлопными газами. Я люблю возвращаться домой на нашу улицу после дня, проведенного в центре города. Я терпеть не могу шум и сутолоку в центре. Я бы не хотел жить на другой улице.Перевод на английский:I live in Sosnovaya Street. It is a very quiet street on the outskirts of our city. It;s very green in spring and summer. There are a lot of trees in it. The side-walks are lined with lime-trees. There are also many fruit-trees and lilacs in the people;s gardens. In May the whole street turns into a blooming garden. There isn;t much traffic in Sosnovaya Street. The air is fresh, it isnt polluted with gases. I like to come back to our street after a day spent in the centre of the city. I hate noise and crowds in downtown. I wouldn;t like to live in a different street.