1. Do most people believe that health is very important? 2. Do most people believe that health or money is very important? 3. Who believes that health is very important? 4. What do most people believe ? 5. Most people believe that health is very important, don't they?
Хорошее время для посещения животных, когда они берут еду. Вы можете увидеть, как морские львы ловят рыбу. Человек, который заботится о животных, иногда бросает рыбу в воду, а затем львицы прыгают в воду и ловят рыбу там. Также интересно посмотреть, как большие птицы едят мясо, и как обезьяны едят фрукты. В большом обезьянном доме вы можете увидеть разные виды обезьян. Они прыгают, бегают и играют друг с другом. В парке есть верблюды. Дети любят кататься на верблюде. Он ходит по площади, и они высоко сидят. Они любят наблюдать за слоном, когда он моет себя утром. Он кладет воду на спину, а мужчины с длинными щетками чистят его. В детском зоопарке дети могут смотреть и разговаривать с молодыми животными. Если люди хотят видеть рыб, они должны пойти в другой дом и заплатить второй раз. Рыбы находятся в большой стеклянной коробке. Здесь есть много видов красивых рыб. Здесь очень интересно.
1) we thought that he will translate the text next lesson. they were sure that you have answered the letter already. 2) she hoped that you help her some time. i thought that my friend has seen this film already. 3) i was sure that the teacher will ask me at the next lesson. she thought that didthe lab. work at that time. 4) we understood that you have done this work already. i hoped that my sister will cometo moscow next month. 5) we knew that our friend reads newspapers every day. they saw that i had written an exercise at that time. 6) we hoped that train starts in time. they were sure that you have passed all exams already. 7) we knew that he had kepthis promise. i thought that my friend played tennis at that time. 8) she was sure that she had bought flowers in the market. we didn't know that he has gone on business trip already. 9) they understood that he was preparing for the exam at that time. he said that he will return in 10 minutes. 10) i was sure that you had done this work quickly.
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Задать 5 вопросов к предложению most people believe that health is very important
2. Do most people believe that health or money is very important?
3. Who believes that health is very important?
4. What do most people believe ?
5. Most people believe that health is very important, don't they?