ответ:1) Напишите, что вы задумались о возможных увлечениях Джоша: фотография, коллекционирование, живопись и рисование, скалолазание, верховая езда.
2) Назовите 1 или 2 хобби, которые вы не рекомендуете, и напишите, почему;
3) Порекомендуйте Джошу одно или два увлечения и напишите, почему;
4) Используйте фразы для рекомендаций и предложений:
- Он / он может / должен / должен + V
- Я бы предложил форму + -ing или существительное
- А как насчет + -ing формы или существительного?
- Как насчет + -ing формы или существительного?
- Я бы сказал, что форма + -ing или существительное - хорошая / плохая идея, потому что ...
- Что, если он / она + Present Simple или Past Simple?
- Я бы порекомендовал ей + Present Simple
- Я бы порекомендовал его форму "+" или существительное
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составить текст по плану what you think of tv programmes if tv can be educational or just entertaining if you can do without tv
Obviously, there are many TV programs that are designed to educate people, keep the viewers aware of everything what happens in the world. Nowadays people spend many time watching TV. After working hard, person needs a rest, also, after being educated, he craves for being entertained. Teaching and entertaining together can have a good effect on TV viewers. The knowledge that they have got earlier can be absorbed more easily. They can listen to music, watch game-shows and other pleasure activities. This way, the stress that viewers have can be blown out more easily. The entertaining programs on TV can also connect people all around the world, especially through interactive programs. People can share their opinions, their thoughts about global issues. To sum up, the educating purpose of TV cannot be denied but it should be seen as a device that can both educate and entertain viewers.
But we should also think: how much time do we spend watching TV, and is this healthy for us? Watching TV causes troubles with our back and eyes, it also can hurt our ears. It takes all our free time, which we can spend outside playing active games or reading a book. Doing without TV can make my life healthier and more active. So even if watching TV can be so interesting, I think my health is worther than it.