Если слово, оканчивающееся на ing - глагол, это будет глагол, стоящий в одном из времен Continuous. Например: "He is walking" (он гуляет), или "Mary is hunting ground squirrels" (Мэри охотится на сусликов).
Отличительной особенностью Continuous является то, что перед глаголом в ing-формеВСЕГДА будет присутствовать глагол to be в различных формах (am/is/are/was/were/been). Таким образом,е сли вы видите Ing-форму и перед ней - одно из слов, напсианных в скобочках - это глагол. И переводится он как ДЕЙСТВИЕ: "Mary is swimming in the bath" - Мэри плавает в ванной.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова. 1. you ….. a very interesting job next week. a) will be offered; b) would be offered; c) will be offering; d) have been offered. 2. a bridge ….. over the river. a) is built; b) is building; c) is being built; d) has built. 3. milk ….. in this shop. a) is sold; b) has been sold; c) was sold; d) is selling. 4. the work ….. by six o `clock. a) has been finished; b) was finished; c) had been finished; d) will be finished. 5. it ….. very soon. a) will forget; b) will be forgotten; c) forgot; d) would be forgotten. 6. all the preparations ….. by tomorrow. a) will be finished; b) shall be finished; c) will have been finished; d) be finished. 7. the truth ….. to her. a) has to be told; b) has been told; c) is told; d) have been told. 8. the key ….. by me yesterday. a) lost; b) had been lost; c) was lost; d) has been lost. 9. he said that the work ….. in time. a) will be finished; b) would be finished; c) would have been finished; d) was finished. 10. who ….. now ? a) is examined; b) is examining; c) examines; d) is being examined. 11. the experiment ….. by 3 o’clock. a) will have been completed; b) will be completed; c) would be completed; d) will be completing. 12. such questions ….. often ….. at the examination. a) is***asked; b) are***asked; c) have***been asked; d) are***asking. 13. i ….. just ….. by him. a) has***been interrupted; b) was***interrupted; c) am***interrupted; d) have***been interrupted. 14. i ….. to go there. a) shan’t be allowed; b) wouldn’t be allowed; c) hadn’t been allowed; d) isn’t allowed.