
A) match and say. the adventures of tom sawyer rudyard kipling the lord of the rings lewis carroll winnie-the-pooh joanne rowling robinson crusoe was written by pamela travers gulliver's travels john tolkien alice in wonderland daniel defoe mary poppins jonathan swift mowgli mark twain harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone alan milne

Английский язык


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
The Lord of the Rings - John Tolkien
Winnie-the-Pooh - Alan Milne
Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Mary Poppins -  Pamela Travers
Mowgli - Rudyard Kipling 
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone - Joanne Rowling

1) To set a budget I should make some notes of my weekly and monthly expenses. Besides, it is a good idea to organise my expenses into categories, such as food and drinks, clothes, transport etc. Finally, it’s necessary to make a note of all money that I get and decide how much I can afford to spend for each category.

2) Small expenses for buying all sorts of little things can add up, so it's easy to spend more than you have, that’s why you need to set your budget

3) Unexpected expenses are always possible, so good money management will help you to avoid getting into awkward and bad situations

4) I fully agree with the author's advice. It is always difficult to calculate your expenses in order to live in prosperity, so these tips are useful for many young people who are still unfamiliar with money management.

1.We arrived in a little mining town in northern Chihuahua at 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday 27 June.

27 июля, в середу в десять вечера мы прибыли в небольшой шахтерский городок на севере штата.

2. About two o'clock p.m. I entered the village.

Было около двух часов, когда я вошла в деревню.

3. Set it up for four p.m."

Назначьте встречу на четыре часа.

4. By 5 P.M., he even manages to break through to the second floor.

К пяти часам ему удается прорваться даже на площадку второго этажа.

5. Soon after 3 p.m. Sorokin's army rushed to the attack all along the front.

В четвертом часу дня сорокинцы бросились в атаку по всему фронту.

1. Amsterdam FRIDAY, AUGUST 22--- 8:OO A.M.

Амстердам. Пятница, 22 августа — 8 утра

2. At 11:00 a.m. Dowell was ringing Kern's doorbell.

В одиннадцать часов утра Артур уже звонил у двери Керна.

3. "It's nine a.m., sport, and the sun is on our right. We're flying north."

- Сейчас девять утра, солнце справа, а значит, мы летим на север.

4. At nine A.M., to be precise."

Точнее, в девять утра.

5. At 10 a.m.?

10 утра?


1. At midday I went to the inn on the Ilkley road, but she did not appear.

В полдень я заглянул в таверну по дороге в Илкли, однако новая моя знакомая не появилась и там.

2. It couldn't be midday; it had to be midnight!

Сейчас не мог быть полдень; значит, сейчас полночь!

3. Strange things happened at midday.

Странные вещи творились в полдень.

4. The mechanic drove up in the buggy in time for the midday meal.

Но только к полудню приехал на пролетке механик.

5. About midday we go for a stroll on the moors.

В середине дня мы идем прогуляться в степь.

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A) match and say. the adventures of tom sawyer rudyard kipling the lord of the rings lewis carroll winnie-the-pooh joanne rowling robinson crusoe was written by pamela travers gulliver's travels john tolkien alice in wonderland daniel defoe mary poppins jonathan swift mowgli mark twain harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone alan milne
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