1) Можешь заклеить камеру прозрачным скотчем, так будет хуже тебя видно, выглядит, что плохое качество. Ну а там, что получится - подглядывать или не до конца глаза закрывать.
Или же текст приклеить куда-то близко к камере, чтобы не сильно заметно было.
2) Если есть возможность - запиши текст на диктофон, а потом включи в наушниках, которые спрячешь чем-нибудь, например волосами, но это сложно. (Удобнее, конечно, с беспроводными).
3) Ставить видео на паузу. Типа рассказываешь немного, пауза, потом учишь следующее, рассказываешь, потом опять пауза. Но тут нужно очень аккуратно делать, чтобы не сильно было видно переход.
The specificity of activities in the municipal service is associated with the adoption of management decisions on the socio-economic improvement of the population of the city, and therefore, often takes place in direct contact with the population. This fact significantly distinguishes state and municipal servants and confirms the necessity and importance of highly developed personal competence in the activities of municipal servants.
1. Personnel management includes such personal qualities as: the ability to understand interpersonal relationships, motivate people
2. Political assistance, including: the ability to anticipate the consequences of political decisions; the ability to communicate the right information and make sound recommendations.
3. The organization of services includes the following qualities: evaluate results; knowledge of information collection methods; understanding of organizational processes;
4. Strategic leadership includes: understanding your own leadership style; insight; formation of prospects;
5. Adherence to democratic principles, which includes the following personal qualities: understanding of democratic principles, political processes, legislation on local self-government; maintaining the value of differences in the organization and in the local community.
6. Organizational planning and management implies: understanding and skills of working with the budget, financial analysis; human potential management; strategic planning.
7.Communication, which is an integral part of any management, contains the following characteristics: understanding of the principles of interpersonal and group communication; listening, speaking and writing skills; ability to convince; perception of verbal and non-verbal responses;
8. Integrity includes: justice; honesty; understanding of business and personal ethics; personal integrity; professional integrity;
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