
Перевести на я живу с родителями в частном доме он большой и уютный у нас есть огромный огород и хозяйство две собаки первая породы азиат а второй обычный щенок он ещё растёт и у нас ещё есть две кошки первая соня породы сиамская а второй матвей красивый с белыми лапками и грудкой и носиком а так весь чёрненький ему семь месяцев он игривый.

Английский язык


I live with my parents in a private home. It is big and comfortable.We have a huge vegetable garden and a farm. We have two dogs.The breed of the first dog is Asian and other dog is usual puppy.It is still growing.We have two cats. The breed of the first  cat Sonya is siamese and the second cat is Matvei. It is a very beautiful cat with white paws and nose. Its brast is black. Matvei is seven month old and it is very playful.
Проявляйте уважение к людям от которых вам нужна Пишите корректнее, не забывайте о знаках пунктуации. 
1. I couldn't drive my car all of last month because it after the accident.
b. was being repaired
2. He looked just as he ten years ago.
a. looked
3. George heard his little kids a lot of noise.
b. making
4. I regret to say thinks too much of himself.
a. he
5. I know many people speak Spanish very well.
a. who
6. Everyone knows him the best student in the class.
c. to be
7. I wish I the problem a week ago.
c. had settled
8. If I had taken a taxi to the station I my train.
a. wouldn't have missed
9. I'm fond of modern music, and so .
a. is my wife
10. She is known for the exams.
c. to be preparing
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy friendМой другMy name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the sixth grade. I have a lot of friends but I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He’s my school-mate. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. He will help me in hour of need. I always can rely on him. Sasha goes to sports school. He is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. On weekends we play football or cycle. Sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. Also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. His favourite films are “Saw” and “Scream”. We often go to the cinema. Sasha is true friend. My father says that I’m lucky because I have so reliable and true friend. I value our friendship.

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Перевести на я живу с родителями в частном доме он большой и уютный у нас есть огромный огород и хозяйство две собаки первая породы азиат а второй обычный щенок он ещё растёт и у нас ещё есть две кошки первая соня породы сиамская а второй матвей красивый с белыми лапками и грудкой и носиком а так весь чёрненький ему семь месяцев он игривый.
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