
Поставте существительные с предлогом в притежательный падеж. 1.the clock of marry. 2.the toys of their ehild. 3.the car of his relatives. 4., the place of their cat. 5.the assistant of mr.smith

Английский язык


Marry's clock
Their child's toys
His relatives' car
Their car's place
Mr Smith's assistant

English everywhere will help me in life. When I'm asked why I'm learning English, I always make a few arguments about this. Well, really, why would I use English in my life? Well, for starters, English can be useful in many professions. English Be sure to need to travel, as If you are in a foreign country, you can hardly find people who communicate in your own language, so it is worth using English, because most people know at least the most elementary phrases in the language and will be able to help you if you do anything. Also, if you get to a foreign country, not knowing the language, you can not order yourself to eat, or ask for help from people, or ask for roads to where you need. In general terms, in any foreign country without knowledge of English you will be hard. There are also a lot of people now Programs, games or just social networks Conducted on English forums, that They are conducted on English forums, So it's all written in English, And without knowledge of the language you will not be able to understand anything. Let's sum it up. Without knowledge of Let's sum it up. Without knowledge of English, it will be very difficult for you. Because Much of the modern world has to do with language.


Утвердительные предложения:

Her mother is at the market now. She wants some fresh fruit.

They aren't here. They are playing badminton in the yard.

She hates spiders.

Mike bought a new computer game yesterday.

He learned all grammar rules yesterday.

Look! Sam is riding a bike witout hands.

Our relatibes usually visit us in summer.

Вопросительные предложения:

Is her mother at the market now? Does she want to buy some fresh fruit?

Aren't they here? Are they playing badminton in the yard?

Did Mike buy a new computer game yesterday?

Does she hate spiders?

Did he learn all grammar rules yesterday?

Look! Is Sam riding a bike without hands?

Do our relatives visit us in summer?

Отрицательные предложения:

Her mother isn't at the market now. She doesn't want to buy fresh fruit.

They aren't here. They aren't playing badminton in the yard.

She doesn't hate spiders.

Mike didn't buy a new computer game yesterday.

He didn't learn all grammar rules yesterday.

Look! Sam aren't riding a bike witout hands.

Our relatives don't usually visit us in summer.

Если что-то непонятно - спрашивай.

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Поставте существительные с предлогом в притежательный падеж. 1.the clock of marry. 2.the toys of their ehild. 3.the car of his relatives. 4., the place of their cat. 5.the assistant of mr.smith
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