Ex. 4.
1. Your fax has arrived three days ago.
2. I haven't been to the office since Sunday.
3. Has anyone seen my car keys?
4. I have passed my driving test.
5. I already had four cups of coffee today, and it's only lunchtime!
6. I have been to most countries of Africa but I never visited Congo.
7. He has passed his exams last May.
8. He was busy all this week.
9. There is a lot of work to do recently.
10. Computers have become very important lately.
11. Don't worry about the order from Sony. I already dealt with it.
12. Over the last year or so, shareholders of this company made a 50% profit.
Correct where necessary.
1. Your fax arrived three days ago.
2. I haven't been to the office since Sunday.
3. Has anyone seen my car keys?
4. I have passed my driving test.
5. I have already had four cups of coffee today, and it's only lunchtime!
6. I have been to most countries of Africa but I have never visited Congo.
7. He passed his exams last May.
8. He has been busy all this week.
9. There has been a lot of work to do recently.
10. Computers have become very important lately.
11. Don't worry about the order from Sony. I have already dealt with it.
12. Over the last year or so, shareholders of this company have made a 50% profit.
1. works
2. is travelling
3. loves
4. is not visiting
5. does not live
6. is staying
7. cooks
8. go
9. walks
10. are having
11. stay in
12. am going
13. is not working
14. is listening
15. goes
16. is not raining
17. rises
18. boils
19. go
20. does not rain
21. goes
22. am playing
23. play
24. is cooking
25. cooks
26. is jogging
27. is eating
28. are you doing
29. do you speak
30. are you doing
31. do you live
32. go
33. reads
34. watch
35. goes
36. helps
37. is making
am chatting
am working
are swimming
am not doing
is having
are you meeting
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He traditional kazakhstan food revolve around mutton and horse-beef as well as sour-milk products which are closely associated with nomadic way of life. the main dishes of kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse-beef (beshbarmak), kuyrdak (fried mutton pluck), horse-beef delicatessen(chuzhuk, kazy, zhal, zhaya), sheep s milk, cow s milk and the products(katyk, kurt, irimshik and mare s milk .appearance of flour in the kazakh diet renewed the traditional dish-beshbarmak, which began to be served with large pieces of rolled dough. other dishes appeared, like kuimak, kattama oima-puff flat cakes fried in oil. the kazakh cuisine is also remarkable for tasty plov - cooked of rice and mutton. and, of course, no feast goes without strong and tasty creamed tea. маған осы тексттің қазақша аудармасы керек.бәрі дұрыс болу керек.
Основные блюда казахской кухни являются следующие варенная баранина конина бешбармак , куырдак ,жаренный бараний Ливер говядина деликатесная , шужик .казы , жал ,жая , очечье молоко коровье молоко и продукты катык ,курт , iрiмшик, и кобылье молоко. Появление муки в казахской диете возобновили традиционное блюдо бешбармак , который начал подавать большие куски расскатаного теста. В казахской кухне также примечательный вкусный плов - приготовленный из риса и баранины. И конечно . праздник не обходится без крепкого вкусного чая со сливками