
Нужен длинний текст на языке my life.

Английский язык


As for me, my life - that is my language. Like to many of you, English is not my mother tongue. It is a foreign language to me. When I was a little girl, I was always amazed by kids in a film having a chit-chat in a language that I didn’t understand at all what they were talking about, and yet, I sometimes acted as if I was one of them. Probably, that feeling had driven me having excitement in learning English even though at that time I had no idea whether the film was in English or in another foreign language.

It was my late father who introduced me by chance to English words. He loved reading. For that, in his spare time he went downtown to buy some used-books from street vendors. Someday, my father came home and brought some used books where I found an English book of fairy tales among others. I couldn’t read even its title, for sure, since I was at second grade of my primary school, but I found some interesting pictures in it and some keywords on the outer column of each page. So, I chose a picture and asked my father to read the story about it. I sat down side by side with him and he began to read a full sentence in a deep voice and then gave me its translation. Once in a while he got stuck in the meaning of a word, and so he opened English – Indonesian dictionary in order to figure it out. That was my first English reading session as well as my first experience to know how to use dictionary. Ever since, reading English become our regular agenda whenever my father was at home.


1.вставте нужное слово because,cry,let,agree,idea.

e) Let me help you.

f) I agree winth you.That's a good idea

g) I must go to bed now because school starts at 8 a.m.

h) Don't cry , Alice! We are with you.

2 подчеркните правильный вариант

a) A sleepover is a NIGHT excursion.

b) Children bring their sleeping bags and SNACKS.

c) The Natural History Museum has the best (тут что-то пропущено).

3 вставте нужный предлог to,for,at,up,with.

f) Museums organize sleepovers for fun.

g) I want to go to the Natural History Museum.

h) Who comes at night?

i) In the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us.

j) I don't agree with you

4 вставте нужное местоимение him,her,us,then

a) Let him do his homework.

b) Let them help their friends

c) Let us read our books

d)Let her make her bad.

5 Переведите предложения

He can't sing,because he doesn't know this song. - Он не может петь, потому что он не знает эту песню.

I cannot open the door, because I haven't got the keys. - Я не могу открыть дверь, потому что у меня нет ключей.


1 am sitting

2not working

3is talking, isn't listening


5doesnt live

6 aren't sleeping

7 play

8 don't go

9 reads

10 does not read

11 isn't reading

12 am not writing

13 am not drinking

14 am not going

15 don't go

16 isn't reading

17 isn't playing

18 is he playing now?

19 works

20 doesn't work

21 Do you work in office?

22 Does your father work in a factory?

23 Are you playing chess now?

24 are moving,is appearing,is getting

25 is improving

26 is playing

27 wear,is wearing

28 is listening


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