
Напишите 3 предложений на паст симпл и паст континиус не вопросы

Английский язык


Past Simpel (+)
 1 Jim throw out the ball to Lisa.
2 Last year Tom worked for a company in England. 
3 Tom was very tired last week.

Past Continus (+)
1 He was watching the film from 6 till 8.
2 We were playing football while my mother wascooking lunch.
3 Mary was dancing but when she saw me she stopped.
Сори кратко не могу my aunt will come down in a few minutes, mr nuttel," said a girl of fifteen, showing him into the sitting-room. mr nuttel was a young painter who had recently had a nervous breakdown. the doctors had told him that he should go away for a holiday. they warned him, however, against crowded resorts and recommended a complete rest in a quiet country-place. so here he was, in a little village, with letters of introduction from his sister to some of the people she knew. "some of the people there are quite nice," his sister had said to him. "i advise you to call on mrs sappleton as soon as you arrive. i owe the wonderful holiday i had to her." "do you know many of the people round here? " asked the girl when they were sitting comfortably on the sofa. "no, i'm afraid i don't," answered mr nuttel. "i've never been here before. my sister stayed here four years ago, you know, and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here." "then you know nothing about my aunt, do you? " asked the girl. "only her name and address," said the visitor. "her great tragedy happened just three years ago," said the child. "her tragedy? " asked mr nuttel. "you may wonder why we keep that window wide open on an october afternoon," went on the girl, pointing to a large french window. "it's quite warm for this time of year," said mr nuttel. "but has that window anything to do with the tragedy? " "exactly three years ago my aunt's husband and her two young brothers walked out through that window. they went shooting and never came back. when they were crossing the river their boat probably turned over and they were all drowned. their bodies were never found. that was the most horrible part of the tragedy." here the girl stopped. there were tears in her eyes and she drew a handkerchief out of her pocket. "three years have passed, but my poor aunt still thinks that they will come back some day, they and the little brown dog that was drowned with them, and walk in through that window just as they always did. that is why the window is kept open every evening till it's quite dark. poor dear aunt, she can't understand that they've left forever. she's growing worse day by day, so let me give you some advice. don't be surprised at anything she says or does: she will start telling you all over again how they went out — her husband, with his coat over his arm, and her youngest brother, singing 'bertie, why don't you come? ' as she once told me. you know, sometimes, on quiet evenings like this, i almost get a feeling that they will all walk in through that window, and the whole family will be gathered in here again." the young girl finished her sad story. there was a long pause, and mr nuttel was glad when mrs sappleton at last entered the room. "i'm sorry i'm late," she said, "but i hope my niece has entertained you well." "yes, she's been very amusing," said mr nuttel. "d'you mind the open window? " asked mrs sappleton. "my husband and brothers will soon be home from shooting and they always come into the house this way." and she went on speaking gaily about shooting. after what mr nuttel had just heard, he looked worried. "the doctors told me," he said, trying to change the subject, "to have a rest here and to avoid anything that would make me feel nervous." "did they? " said mrs sappleton in a voice which showed that she was not at all interested in what mr nuttel was saying. she never took her eyes off the open window and suddenly cried out: "here they are at last! just in time for tea. how tired they look." mr nuttel looked at the girl and saw that she was looking out through the open window with horror in her eyes. mr nuttel turned round slowly in his seat, looked in the same direction and saw three figures walking across the garden towards the window. they all carried guns and one of them had a coat over his shoulder. a tired brown dog was following them. noiselessly they approached the house, and then a young voice began to sing. "bertie, why don't you come? " mr nuttel seized his hat and ran out of the house like mad. "here we are, my dear," said mrs sappleton's husband, coming in through the window. "we've enjoyed ourselves very much. i wonder what made that gentleman run out so quickly when we came up? who is he? " "a very strange young man, called nuttel. he could only talk about his illness. he didn't say a single interesting thing. i don't understand why he ran out that way without saying good-bye," said his wife. "i think it was the dog," said the niece calmly. "he told me that he was afraid of dogs. once when he was attacked by a pack of dogs somewhere in india, he was so frightened that he started running like mad, and finding himself in a cemetery, climbed down into a newly-dug grave, where he had to spend the night. since then he has always been afraid of dogs." she was very good at inventing stories and did it artistically.
Перевод вот ... Ну а на вопросы ответь сам они лёгкие Знаете ли вы, есть драгоценности в этом здании? Они называются драгоценности короны. Я хотел бы видеть их и даже попробовать некоторые из них, "сказал Беатрис. "Но Беатрис, это опасно! Охранники будут ловить нас, "сказала Сьюзен. "Не бойтесь. В Бифитеры спят сейчас, не так ли? Таким образом, они не будут знать, мы попытались на драгоценные камни. Давайте, "сказал Беатрис своих друзей, и они побежали к высокой башне. Вскоре они обнаружили случаи с коронационные регалии. Эдвард разорвал все провода к сигнализации выход. Беатрис достал коронации корона и положил его на голову. "Я что, похож королевы?" Беатрис спросила своих друзей. Альберт пытался на несколько ожерелий и колец. "О, посмотрите на меня," сказал он. "Я великолепно смотрятся, не так ли?" Сьюзен попыталась на другом короны. Она ничего не сказала, но чувствовал, красиво в ней. Через некоторое время они устали от игр и развлечений. Они положил все драгоценности в середине пола и пошел к двери. Вдруг Эдвард коснулся будильник, который он не выключается. Вдруг погас на! Сирены раздался! Львы увидел Бифитеры, которые бежали к ним. Четверо друзей перепрыгнул через стену в лондонском Тауэре и побежал в метро. "В следующий раз вы должны быть более осторожными, Эдвард!" Сказала Беатрис. Там не было никаких людей на станции в два часа утра. Эдвард нашел половину пакетик чипсов на землю. Он ел их. "Вкусно. Уксус, "сказал он удивлен и счастлив иметь что-то, чтобы поесть. Поезд пришел в Тауэр станции. Двери открылись, и львы вошли внутрь. Львы ехали по Лондону в течение нескольких часов, но это было не очень весело. Наконец, они вышли на станции Чаринг-Кросс и побежал вверх по лестнице к Трафальгарской площади. "Я устал", сказала Беатрис, "но я был сегодня большое время. "Я наслаждался ночь, тоже", сказал Альберт. "Мы сделали делать больше, чем обычно, сегодня, не так ли?" Сказал Эдвард. "Давайте купаться в фонтане!" Предложил Сьюзан. "Хорошая идея!" ответил Эдвард. Львы прыгнул в фонтан на бассейн. Они лежали там, смеясь и разговаривая о приключениях своего ночи и они говорили о будущих приключениях. Затем они вышли из воды, пожелали друг другу хорошего дня и прыгнул на своих местах в нижней части колонны Нельсона. Они были готовы встретить туристов, которые бы подняться на них, прыгают на них, целовать и принимать фотографии them.16. Сказать какие места львы посетили той ночью, и то, что они там делали. Используйте карту. 17. Работа в группах . Посмотрите на список британских достопримечательностей . Выберите одно из мест, и сказать, что львы там делать следующий вечер . Лондонская Глаз , Тауэрский мост , Лондонский зоопарк , музей мадам Tussaude , в Стоунхендж .

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