
Рассказ о животном черепахе на языке 5 класс

Английский язык


I have a tortoise. Her name is Tortyla. It lives in my house only 3 years. It is quite a small size. Dad gave me this turtle. Tortyla likes to eat fruit and vegetables. It is green with yellow spots. All my family loves Tortylu, because it is very calm and good.

Таке підходить?


I love to travel. Fortunately, my family chooses to go somewhere every summer. We travel by car. I love these trips! Our last trip lasted a whole week and I will never forget it!

It all started with the fact that we decided to go to sea. Usually we go there by train, but this time we chose a car: it turned out much faster. About 5 hours - and we were in Odessa! I like to be on the road, to go somewhere far, far away, especially when it's night. We stop at special stops, drink tea, parents drink coffee, meet dozens of other travelers like us. And it's so exciting! The home is left behind, and only the road and new emotions are ahead.

Переклад:Я дуже люблю подорожувати. На щастя, моя родина щоліта вибирається кудись їздити. Ми подорожуємо автомобілем. Я обожнюю ці поїздки! Наша остання подорож тривала цілий тиждень і я її ніколи не забуду!

Все почалося з того, що ми вирішили поїхати на море. Зазвичай ми їдемо туди на потязі, але цього разу обрали автомобіль: так виявилося значно швидше. Якихось 5 годин – і ми були в Одесі! Я люблю знаходитись на дорозі, їхати кудись далеко-далеко, особливо, коли навколо ніч. Ми зупиняємося на спеціальних зупинках, п’ємо чай, батьки п’ють каву, зустріваємося ще з десятками таких же подорожуючих як і ми. І це так захоплює! Домівка залишається позаду, а попереду – лише дорога та нові емоції.


1) "I was waiting for the bus when he arrived", she said.

   She said that she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.

2) "I visited my parents at the weekend", she said.

   She told me (that) she visited (had visited) her parents at the weekend.

3) "How often do you go to the cinema?" she asked.

   She asked me how often I went to the cinema.

4) "What were you doing when I saw you?" she asked.

     She asked me what I was doing when she saw me.

5) "Will you come later?" she asked.

   She asked me if I would come later.

6) "Tidy your room!" she said. (глагол tell не употребляется без дополнения)

 She told me to tidy my room.

7) "Don't do that!" she said.

  She told me not to do that.

8) "Eat your dinner!"  she said.

   She told me to eat my dinner.

9) "I won't buy a new car," she said.

  She said that she wouldn't buy a new car.

10) "We will set off tomorrow,"  they said.

 They said they would set off the following day.

11) "I invited him last week," she said.

   She said that she had invited him the week before.

12) "Have you been here all this time?" she asked.

   She asked if I had been there all that time.

13) "Where is the library?" she asked.

  She asked where the library was.

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