Galliardt Sergeevna1284

Переведите текст 4 класс яз стр 144 текст про бублики баранки и сушки! : (писать текст не буду)

Английский язык


Сушки, баранки, бублики, рогалики - традиционные русские продукты. Вам нужна мука, сливочное масло,вода, соль и сахар, чтобы сделать их. Они могут быть круглой или овальной формы, очень большими или очень маленькими, и они могут иметь разные цвета и запахи. Они очень популярны, потому что, хороши на вкус и дешевы. Сушки хранятся долгое время. Люди любят есть сушки, когда идут в поход. Каждый любит сушки, баранки и бублики: от младенцев до стариков. Они хорошее удовольствие во время чаепития.

my name is konstantin. i am 17 years old . i was born in the city of petropavlovsk, north kazakhstan region. my city is not big . 220,000 people live in it. my character is calm, it is very difficult for me to lose my temper. my height is about 180 cm, my hair is curly and dark. my mother works in a hospital as a laboratory assistant-histologist. dad is a private entrepreneur.


my hobby is to repair or collect something, i also like to collect a rubik's cube


i studied at school number 14. my school is not big. i studied in it for 11 years. and i liked my school.


my future profession will be related to my direction. most likely i will be an engineer or i will create my own company.

1. if the travellers had had a camera with them, they would (could) have taken pictures of the beautiful scenery. 2. if there had been any sugar left, we should not have had to go to the shop late in the evening. 3. if this house were not situated close to a chemical plant, the air around would not be bad and the house would be   very good for living. 4. if i were acquainted with him, i should ask his advice. 5. if you did not have a toothache, you would (could) enjoy this merry evening party. 6. if you were not so absent-minded, you would not make so many mistakes. 7. if you had rung me up, i should have known you were in trouble. 8. if you had not left the child alone, he would not have hurt himself. 9. if they had not spent a year in the tropics, they would not have got so sun-tanned. 10. if it had not rained so heavily, we should not have got drenched to the skin. 11. if you had watched the cat, it would not have eaten the fisli. 12. if a huge black cloud had not appeared from behind the forest, we should not have turned back and hurried home. 13. if it were not so late, we should go to see them. 14. if you had not been in her way, she would not have been angry.

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