A red sock - словосочетание "красный носок" Предложения с этим словосочетанием: I have lost my red sock - Я потерял мой красный носок My little sister likes red socks - Моей маленькой сестре нравятся красные носки
Dear Fred, I want to tell you about my visit of London.I was three days ago.I saw many price of London.Most of all I liked The British Museum and National Gallery,they really liked me.Among other prise were the Tower of London,Trafalgar Square. I am looking forward to you answer. Best wishes Yours (и свое имя) Дорогой Фред, я хочу рассказать тебе о своем визите в Лондон.Я был там три дня назад.Я видел много достопримечательностей Лондона.Больше всего мне понравились Британский музей и Национальная галерея,они действительно очень понравились мне.Среди всех достопримечательностей были Лондонский Тауэр,Трафальгарская площадь С нетерпением жду твоего ответа. С наилучшими пожеланиями Твой
I want to look like German Harkein Tommeraas. He is a norwegian actor, dancer and model. He becomes famous, because he was playing a role in the famous series, called "Shame". He was born in 1997. Now he is 20 years old. I want to look like him. I really like his appearence. He has a cool green-hazel eyes, nose, beautiful dark eyebrows, ideal shape of head. Also he is well-built. His high is 1.75 metres. I also love his awesome hair. He often change his haircut and hair colour. Now he is dark-heared. He is very stylish man. I'd like to wear the exact same thing as he is. He likes wear a dark clothes, but sometimes it can be light-coloured clothes. He has a cool character. For example, he was playing a cool and modern schoolboy in the series "Shame". I also think that more generally that the each man must be an individual and not trying to be like anyone else. But in some cases, e.g appearence, it is permissible, but only in subject to be a individual.