
Прочитайте рассказ travelling, выберите все прилагательные или наречия и допишите их недостающие степени сравнения. traveling. travelling became a part of our daily life different people travel either on business or for pleasure by can, train, by air or by sea. of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, you can travel in the farthest distance during short time but it is the most expensive, too travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. you can see many interesting places through the window modern trains have more comfortable seats. there are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. tourists can make enjoy-able voyages on large ship to foreign countries. travelling by car is more convenient kind of travelling because you don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.

Английский язык


Daily - ежедневный, степеней сравнения не имеет
different - more different - the most different
fast - faster - the fastest
convenient - more convenient - the most convenient
far - farther - the farthest
short - shorter - the shortest
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
slow - slower - the slowest
expensive - less expensive - the least expensive
many - more - the most
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
modern - more modern - the most modern
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
long - longer - the longest
pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
popular - more popular - the most popular
enjoyable - more enjoyable - the most enjoyable
large - larger - the largest
much - more - the most

Жирным выделила слова в той форме, в которой они употреблены в тексте.
It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of modern man. There is practically no family that doesn't have a TV set. TV is one of the mass media kinds. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and about foreign countries and so on. Soaps-lovers can watch their favorite films almost every day. TV shows us a lot of films of different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and triller. As former I like to see adventure films, fantasy, comedies. My favorite sporting events programs are about volleyball, swimming, track-and-field athletics and gymnastic. I watch many programs with great interest. These programs are: a wild nature program, "Anshlag", some game shows and so on. There are a lot of films (most of them of foreign TV-companies) with a great number of corpses, with seas of blood now. It's not very good to my mind. I think that one of the aims of TV is to bring up TV-viewers, to cultivate love to our country, kindness and other positive features of character.
Башня была построена под руководством Пьетро-Антонио Solario в 1491 году, был прямоугольной формы и примерно половину ее нынешней высоты. В 16 веке она была снабжена часами и в 1625 русский зодчий Бажен огурцов построил восьмигранной многоярусной башни, которая сейчас преодолевает прямоугольной башни. Новые часы был построен на турель оснащена вращающимся лицо и карильон англичанин, Кристофер Холлоуэй. Колокола карильона отлил Кирилл Самойлов. В reigh Петра I часы были заменены. Часы мы видим сейчас, был установлен в 1851-52. Длина минутной стрелки на часах 3.28 метров. Башня 67.3 метра.

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Прочитайте рассказ travelling, выберите все прилагательные или наречия и допишите их недостающие степени сравнения. traveling. travelling became a part of our daily life different people travel either on business or for pleasure by can, train, by air or by sea. of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, you can travel in the farthest distance during short time but it is the most expensive, too travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. you can see many interesting places through the window modern trains have more comfortable seats. there are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. tourists can make enjoy-able voyages on large ship to foreign countries. travelling by car is more convenient kind of travelling because you don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.
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