
Правильный произношение mikhail vasilyevich lomonosov was a famous russian writer, chemist and astronomer who made a lot in literature and science..lomonosov was born on november 19, 1711, in denisovka (now lomonosov), near archangelsk, and studied at the university of the imperial academy of sciences in st. petersburg lomonosov is a founder of russian science. he was an innovator in many fields. he anticipated the kinetic theory of gases. most of his achievements, however, were unknown outside russia. he died in st. petersburg on april 15, 1765

Английский язык


Михаил Васильевтч Ломоносов вос э фэймос рашан райтер, чемист энд астрономер ху мэйд э лот ин литрече энд сайнс. Ломоносов вос борн он новембер найтин севентин энд илевен, ин Денисовка(нау Ломоносов), ниар Архангельск, энд стадиет эт зе юниверсити оф зе империал академи оф сайнсис ин ст. петерсбург Ломоносов ис э фаундер оф рашан сайнс. Хи вос эн инновэйтор ин мэни филдс. Хи энтисипэйтид зе кинетик теори оф гейсис. Мост оф хис эчивментс, хауевер, вэр анноун аутсайт раша. Хи дайд ин ст. Петербург он эйприл ейтин севентин энд сиксти файф.

однажды,когда мы гуляли с моим другом ,у нас произошла ссора.наверное вы скажите ,что ссоры бывают часто,но эта отличалась от всех других.конечно же причиной ссоры была маленькая случайность,я просто задела друга за его руку(у него была сломона рука).он начал кричать и ругаться на меня я хотела как то смягчить все это и отвечала шутками.но он не понял шутак,и просто ушел,тогда я потеряла его навсегда,его вид меня порозил :он был горд и обидчив.

пс друга-назови как нибудь то

Once when we were walking with my friend, we had a ssora.navernoe you say that there are often fights, but this was different from all the same cause drugih.konechno quarrel was a small chance, I just hurt for his friend's hand (he had slomona hand). he started yelling and cursing at me like that, I would like to soften it all and answered shutkami.no shutak he did not understand, and just walked away, then I lost it all, I porozil his appearance: he was proud and touchy.

ps We call each other as something that

Strong - garage - empty - year - roll - luck - kick - kid - doll - land - diary - yellow - worry - young - glass - sun - need - dog - green - next - tea - another - real - love - evening - grey - yet - time - else - enough - hat - tree - end - dead - door - run - night - tall - left - teen - nose - earth - hand - desk - kill - low - without - taxi - ice-cream - mad - doctor - rabbit - ten - nice - eight - temp - pink - kind - down - nothing - give - escape - everything  - guns - send - dick - keep - picture - exit - tie - elevator - red - darkness - sick - knock - kiss - sure - enter - river - rock - king - girl - lemon - note - eye - excuse - everybody - yourself - friend - desk - key - yet - test - task  - kitchen - neck - knife - easy - yes - song

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Правильный произношение mikhail vasilyevich lomonosov was a famous russian writer, chemist and astronomer who made a lot in literature and science..lomonosov was born on november 19, 1711, in denisovka (now lomonosov), near archangelsk, and studied at the university of the imperial academy of sciences in st. petersburg lomonosov is a founder of russian science. he was an innovator in many fields. he anticipated the kinetic theory of gases. most of his achievements, however, were unknown outside russia. he died in st. petersburg on april 15, 1765
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