
Сделать перевод текста "fraser , the christmas dragon" 2 часть умоляю 99 rabbie, the raccoon, was snoozing in one of the ancient oak trees. the dragon nearly bumped into a branch with his horns! "whew, that was close, " he frowned. "i’d have woken him up and then it wouldn’t have been a surprise." he took rabbie’s package out of his big brown bag and put it in a hole in the trunk of the tree, near rabbie’s paw. "hee, hee, hee. when he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets right away." he tiptoed quietly into the woods, giggling the whole time. harry, the hedgehog, was curled up in a ball under a bush. the sharp claws on fraser’s huge feet nearly crunched him as he walked through the woods. "oops! i almost didn’t see harry sleeping down there." he bent over and heard harry snoring. "hee, hee, hee. i’ll just set the package down right here in the bush and when he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets." fraser took the package out of his big brown bag, put it down in the bush and then crept away. he had one more package in his big brown bag and went walking through thistleberry glen, looking for gillian, the grouse. gillian was in her nest, curled up. her brown and black feathers were tucked away nicely under her body to keep her warm. she heard the noise of snapping twigs and opened her eyes. coming towards her was a huge, black shape. "what’s that? " she gulped. just then she saw that it was fraser. "och, no! it’s the purple dragon that lives in the cave? is he coming to eat me? what should i do? " she whimpered softly. she was too afraid to move, incase the dragon saw her. she sat frozen with fear in her nest as fraser came closer and closer. she saw him take something out of a bag. "what’s he doing? " she mumbled. his big hand with sharp claws moved towards her. "he’s going to smash me and rip me to shreds with his claws! " she sobbed, but was surprised when fraser put a lovely package down on the ground next to her nest. he was giggling and tiptoed away. "what was that all about? " she wondered. she climbed out of her nest and picked up the package. she took a sniff of it. "that smells lovely, " she said. gillian pulled the ribbon and took the wrapping off. "why, the big dragon has made me some sweets." she read the tag that was attached to the package. ‘ho! ho! ho! merry christmas! here are some sweets from your secret friend! ’ "well, isn’t that nice of him. maybe he’s not such a bad, scary dragon after all. fraser crept back to his cave and curled up in the corner. water dripped from the ceiling and he shivered all night long.

Английский язык


Рабби, Енот, растянулся в одном из древних дубов. Дракон чуть не налетел на ветку своими рогами! "Ух, пронесло", - он нахмурился. "Я бы его разбудил и тогда это был бы не сюрприз." Он взял пакет Рабби из своего большого коричневого мешка и положил его в отверстие в стволе дерева, рядом с лапой Рабби. "Хи, хи, хи. Когда он проснется, он увидит его сладости сразу." Он на цыпочках потихоньку ушёл в лес, хихикая все время.
 Гарри, ежик, свернулся в клубок под кустом. Острые когти на больших лапах Фрейзера практически поцарапали его, когда он продирался через лес. "Упс! Я почти не заметил, что Гарри спит там." Он наклонился и услышал храп Гарри. "Хи, хи, хи. Я просто оставлю пакет прямо здесь в кустах, и когда он проснется, он увидит его сладости." Фрейзер взял пакет из его большого коричневого мешка, положил его в кустах и потом уполз.
 У него был еще один пакет в его большой коричневой сумке и он пошел через долину Thistleberry, высматривая Джиллиан, тетерева. Джиллиан была в гнезде. Свернувшись калачиком. Ее каштаново- черные перья были спрятаны красиво под ее тело, чтобы сохранить тепло. Она услышала шум раздвигающихся веток и открыла глаза. К ней приближался огромный черный силуэт. "Что это?" она сглотнула. Только тогда она увидела, что это был Фрейзер. "Ох, нет! Это фиолетовый дракон, который живет в пещере? Он идет, чтобы съесть меня? Что мне делать?" она тихо всхлипнула. Она была слишком напугана, чтобы двигаться, в этом случае дракон мог увидеть ее. Она сидела, замерев от страха в гнезде пока Фрейзер подходил все ближе и ближе. Она видела, как он достал что-то из мешка. "Что он делает? - пробормотала она. Его большая рука с острыми когтями направилась к ней. "Он собирается разнести меня и разорвать меня в клочья своими когтями!" она рыдала, но была удивлена, когда Фрейзер положил прекрасный пакет на землю рядом с ее гнездом. Он хихикал и на цыпочках вышел. "Что это было? - удивленно спросила она. Она вылезла из своего гнезда и подобрала пакет. Она взяла понюхать его. "Пахнет чудесно, - сказала она. Джиллиан вытащила ленту и сняла обертку. "О, большой дракон подарил мне конфеты." Она прочитала бирку, которая была прикреплена к пакету. ‘Хо! Хо! Хо! С Рождеством Христовым! Вот несколько сладостей от твоего тайного друга!’ "Ну, разве это не мило с его стороны. Может он не такой плохой, страшный дракон, в конце концов. Фрейзер забрался обратно в свою пещеру и свернулся калачиком в углу. Вода капала с потолка и он дрожал всю ночь напролет.

2.37 Complete the second part of the intervie with the correct form of was or were. Listen and check.

Q: Who's the best female footballer in the world?

A: The American Carli Lloyd, She 1 was the best player in the 2015 World Cup.

Q: 2 Was the 2015 World Cup in the USA?

A: No, it 3 was not. It 4 was here in Canada.

Q: Which teams 5 were in the final?

A: The USA vs. Japan. The Japanese 6 were bad, but the Americans were better.

After sixteen minutes the score 8 was 4-0 to the USA! The final score 9 was 5-2.



London is the capital of Great Britain.

London is situated on the river Thames.

The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there.

It`s a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben.

TherThe Regent's Park is the most famous park in London and also it is a big zoo.

There are many streets in London which are known all over the world.

There are many tourists all over the world in London every year.

London is a beautiful city.

It has 80 theatres.

Its population is more than seven million people.

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Сделать перевод текста "fraser , the christmas dragon" 2 часть умоляю 99 rabbie, the raccoon, was snoozing in one of the ancient oak trees. the dragon nearly bumped into a branch with his horns! "whew, that was close, " he frowned. "i’d have woken him up and then it wouldn’t have been a surprise." he took rabbie’s package out of his big brown bag and put it in a hole in the trunk of the tree, near rabbie’s paw. "hee, hee, hee. when he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets right away." he tiptoed quietly into the woods, giggling the whole time. harry, the hedgehog, was curled up in a ball under a bush. the sharp claws on fraser’s huge feet nearly crunched him as he walked through the woods. "oops! i almost didn’t see harry sleeping down there." he bent over and heard harry snoring. "hee, hee, hee. i’ll just set the package down right here in the bush and when he wakes up, he’ll see his sweets." fraser took the package out of his big brown bag, put it down in the bush and then crept away. he had one more package in his big brown bag and went walking through thistleberry glen, looking for gillian, the grouse. gillian was in her nest, curled up. her brown and black feathers were tucked away nicely under her body to keep her warm. she heard the noise of snapping twigs and opened her eyes. coming towards her was a huge, black shape. "what’s that? " she gulped. just then she saw that it was fraser. "och, no! it’s the purple dragon that lives in the cave? is he coming to eat me? what should i do? " she whimpered softly. she was too afraid to move, incase the dragon saw her. she sat frozen with fear in her nest as fraser came closer and closer. she saw him take something out of a bag. "what’s he doing? " she mumbled. his big hand with sharp claws moved towards her. "he’s going to smash me and rip me to shreds with his claws! " she sobbed, but was surprised when fraser put a lovely package down on the ground next to her nest. he was giggling and tiptoed away. "what was that all about? " she wondered. she climbed out of her nest and picked up the package. she took a sniff of it. "that smells lovely, " she said. gillian pulled the ribbon and took the wrapping off. "why, the big dragon has made me some sweets." she read the tag that was attached to the package. ‘ho! ho! ho! merry christmas! here are some sweets from your secret friend! ’ "well, isn’t that nice of him. maybe he’s not such a bad, scary dragon after all. fraser crept back to his cave and curled up in the corner. water dripped from the ceiling and he shivered all night long.
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