
Сочинение по про дарью домрачеву 15 предложений с переводом

Английский язык



                                          Darya Domracheva

Darya Domracheva is probably one of the most famous Belarusian athletes. She could also be a model but she is a biathlete.

Darya has a really impressive list of accomplishments - she is a four-time winner, a silver and bronze medalist of the Olympic Games, two-time world champion and a winner of several World Cups.

Domracheva is the only woman who has been honored as the Hero of Belarus.  She was awarded this title after winning three gold medals in the Sochi Olympic Winter Games in 2014.

 Darya Domracheva was born in Minsk on the 3rd of August in 1986. When she was four her family moved to the small town of Nyagan in Siberia. First Darya went into basketball, switched to skiing in 1992 and finally took up biathlon at the age of 13.  In 2003 the family moved back to Minsk. She joined Belarus’ national biathlon team in 2006. Her breakthrough came during the 2008/2009 season. Then during the next decade she won lots of medals and titles. In 2018 Darya announced her retirement.

Darya Domracheva is married to Norwegian biathlon legend Ole Einar Bjoerndalen. They have a two-year old daughter.

The great popularity of Darya among Belarusians, especially among the younger generation, makes her a great role model.

                                        Дарья Домрачева

Дарья Домрачева, наверное, одна из самых известных белорусских спортсменок. Она также могла быть моделью, но она биатлонистка.

У Дарьи весьма впечатляющий список достижений - она ​​четырехкратный победитель, серебряный и бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр, двукратный чемпион мира и обладатель нескольких кубков мира.

Домрачева - единственная женщина, которая была удостоена звания Героя Беларуси. Она получила эту награду после завоевания трех золотых медалей на зимних Олимпийских играх в Сочи в 2014 году.

Дарья Домрачева родилась в Минске 3 августа 1986 года. Когда ей было четыре года, ее семья переехала в небольшой городок Нягань в Сибири. Сначала Дарья занималась баскетболом, в 1992 году перешла на лыжный спорт и, наконец, занялась биатлоном в 13 лет. В 2003 году семья вернулась в Минск. Дарья вошла в состав сборной Беларуси по биатлону в 2006 году. Прорыв (в ее карьере) произошел в сезоне 2008/2009. Затем в течение следующего десятилетия она выиграла много медалей и титулов. В 2018 году Дарья объявила о своем уходе.

Дарья Домрачева замужем за легендарным норвежским биатлонистом Оле Эйнаром Бьорндаленом. У них есть двухлетняя дочь.

Большая популярность Дарьи среди белорусов, особенно среди молодого поколения, делает ее отличным примером для подражания.

Nowadays travelling is a popular activity among people. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People like travelling and they travel a lot. They can travel for pleasure or on business.

There are different methods of travelling. You can travel by plane, by ship, by train or by car. Some people travel on foot.  You can go along little lanes where the fast car can’t go. You can wander through meadows, pass quite lakes and wonderful woods. Also you can see wild animals and flowers in the forest. You can feel the beauty of nature.  But I think, it’s not a very comfortable way of traveling, because you can get tired very quickly.

I’m very fond of travelling and I prefer to travel by train. I think it’s very pleasant. Especially if you have a comfortable seat in a railway carriage you can have a splendid view of the countryside. If the journey is long, you can sleep and have a good rest. Moreover, I consider, big railway stations are quite excited places. There are crowds of people, the porters pull the luggage along the platforms, and hungry passengers hurry to the refreshment rooms.

Some people prefer to travel by plane. I can say it is, of course, comfortable and convenient method of travelling. And it is much quicker than any other method, but, I think, it’s more dangerous. Moreover nowadays there are a lot of accidents and plane wrecks.

For a change you can travel by ship. During such voyage you can enjoy the sea or the ocean. It’s very exciting to watch the rise and fall of waves, to feel the fresh wind and hear the cry of the seagulls. But everything will be pleasant on board if you are not sea-sick.

Tours by car are also very popular. The main advantage of this method is that you are quite independent. You don’t have to watch a timetable or buy any tickets. You can stop at any place you like and see sights at a short time. And you can drive in any direction.

I think that if you go abroad you should know foreign languages, because they can help you to communicate with people in a foreign country, and you willfeel more confortebl

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«From the History of Football»
(text in English with Passive Voice )Words to understand:
allow — разрешать
for a purpose — с целью
whether — ли
both hands and feet — как руки, так и ноги
disappointed — разочарованный
lose patience — потерять терпение
struggle — борьба
hold — держать
introduce — вводить в практику
prevent from — мешать
Ball games were well known hundreds of years ago. They didn’t take place in the stadiums or on football fields (pitches). They were played in squares and streets of the cities and villages, and they are dangerous to windows and doors of the houses.
People in those days were so excited about these games that they used to leave their work to take part in a game. That’s why at the beginning of the 17th century special laws were made against playing ball games. Nobody was allowed to play, and for two hundred and fifty years there were no games in Europe.
People began to play again in the second half of the 19th century.
In 1863, a meeting was called in a tavern in Great Queen Street, London, for the purpose of deciding the rules of the games. The main question was whether the players must use both their hands and feet, or only their feet. There was much excitement at the meeting. Shouts of “Only feet” came from one end of the hall. “Hands and feet” came from the other end . At last the disappointed “hands and feet” group saw that they could not win, they lost patience and left the hall, giving up struggle. The meeting then became quieter and thirteen rules of football were agreed on. In 1863, they were published and became the international rules of the game all over the world.
The rules fixed the number of men in a team: the team has a goal-keeper, one full-back, one half-back and eight forwards. Only the goalkeeper could hold the ball in his hands.
Within the time the rules were changing, for example, the sound of referee’s whistle was heard for the first time in 1878. Before that time, the referees shouted to the players, or made signals with their arms. The goal, as we see it today, was introduced in 1891. The same year was the introduction of the eleven-meter penalty kick. At first, the goalkeeper was allowed to move six meters to defend his goal. He could cross from one corner of the goal to the other to prevent the player from making the penalty kick. But the rule was introduced fixing the position of the goalkeeper, and forcing him to stand without moving before the penalty kick was made.
In 1925, the rules were changed for the last time.
Questions to the text:
Why were ball games not always allowed by law?
When were the football rules published?
Did they change within the time?
How many players are there in a team?
What are they?
Do you know the name of a game which is similar to football but players can hold the ball in their hands?

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Сочинение по про дарью домрачеву 15 предложений с переводом
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