1. The answer was not correct.
2. There rere not a lot of people in hotel lobby.
3. I was not hungry before the lunch.
4. The dictionary was not at home.
5. There was not a big bus near our station.
Общие вопросы
1. Was the answer correct? - Yes, it was. No, it wasn't
2. Were there a lot of people in hotel lobby? - Yes, there were. No, there weren't
3. Was I hungry before the lunch? -Yes, I was. No, I wasn't
4. Was the dictionary at home?- Yes, it was. No, it wasn't
5. Was there a big bus near our station? - Yes, there was. No, there wasn't
Специальные вопросы
1. what answer was correct?
2. In what hotel there were a lot of people?
3. Why was I hungry before the lunch?
4. What dictionary was at home?
5. Near what station there was a big bus?
Разделительные вопросы.
1. The answer was correct,isn't it?
2.There were a lot of people in hotel lobby, weren't there?
3. I was hungry before the lunch, was I?
4. The dictionary was at home, wasn't it?
5. There was a big bus near our station, wasn't it?
who - который (используется только по отношению к людям и иногда животным, если это домашние питомцы)
which - который (используется по отношению к неживым предметам и диким животным)
where - где
1. That's the woman who works in the pub.
2. A pharmacy is a shop where you can buy medicines.
3. Kangaroos are animals which live in Australia.
4. A pilot is a person who flies a plane.
5. A dictionary is a book which gives definitions of words.
6. A hotel is a place where people stay when they're on holiday.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Перевести на . -, ты чего тут стоишь? у нас репетиция в самом разгаре, а тебя нет -какая еще репетиция? почему я ничего не знаю? -вчера старшина всем говорил. ты чем слушала? опять хочешь два наряда вне очереди? -никак нет. мне раза хватило. говори, что делать надо. - и так. слушай внимательно: исходное положение упор лежа. на раз-сгибание рук, на два-разгибание. всё понятно? - так точно - тогда чего стоим? упор лежа принять, начинай. раз-два, раз-два, раз- да ладно, расслабся я пошутила. -ну и шуточки у тебя. я уж думала опять физо сдаем. - если серьезно, то мы ставим рождественский танец - так бы сразу и сказала. это мы - что за детский сад? это серьезное мероприятие. даже сам полковник придет посмотреть. - а что ты тогда предлагаешь? - смотри и учись - стоп, давай что-нибудь попроще, я не успеваю. - а теперь давайте все вместе!
- What else rehearsal? Why I know nothing?
- yesterday the foreman spoke to all. You than listened? Again you want two extra duties?
- in any way not. Last time sufficed me. Say that it is necessary to do.
- And so. Listen attentively: a starting position an emphasis lying. On time bending of hands, on two - extension. Everything is clear?
- so precisely
- Then that we stand? An emphasis lying to accept, exercise begin. Time-two, time - two, time - two Yes it is fine, расслабся I joked.
- Well and jokes at you. I thought again физо we hand over.
- if it is serious, we put Christmas dance
- so at once also I told. It we can
- what for kindergarten? This serious action. Even the colonel will come to look.
- And what you then offer?
- look and study
- stop, give something simpler, I am not in time.
- and now give everything together!