
Скажи по образцу, кто из зверей может сказать эти фразы? образец: a rabbit can say i want some carrot i dont want any fish a can say i want some apple

Английский язык


A horse can say I want some apple

А lot of English people have got their own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house: the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs on the first floor. The living room,the dining room,the kitchen and a hall are usually downstairs.The living room is often the largest room in the house .English people usually have a fireplace in the living room.People in England like their homes and often say,"There is no place like home"and"East or West,home is best."

В кожної людини є певна мрія  в житті. Людина хоче добитися успіху, стати кращою. Якби в мене було три бажання , я б побажав щоб мама і тато жили вічно та були здорові. Потім я б попросив у Бога здоров"я та розуму. А третє щось про свое,особисте)
In every person there is some dream in life. Man wants to succeed, to become better.If I had three wishes, I would have wished to mom and dad live forever and be healthy. Then I'd ask God for Health "and the mind. A third own way about something, Personal)

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Скажи по образцу, кто из зверей может сказать эти фразы? образец: a rabbit can say i want some carrot i dont want any fish a can say i want some apple
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