+2 место в мире по капиталам,которые ввозят.
- сами же почти не вывозим капиталы.
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- развитие сх происходит эктенсивным путем(путем увеличивания обрабатываемой земли)
+развитие банковской системы
- крупная буржуазия не рвется в политику.
+ по всей стране строятся жд дороги,был построен знаменитый транссиб.
+ столыпинская реформа(начало разрушения общины)
-реформа не завершена.
- население сильно ограничено в правах/свободах.
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Resorts abroad destination fill in foreigners excursions tickets suitcase accommodation travelling tourist attractions i like ) very much. my parents and i go 2 за границу) every summer. our favourite назначения) is cyprus because there are a lot of seaside ) and it is a great opportunity to meet 6 ) and learn about culture and traditions of the country you visit from them. besides, you can go on different 7 ) to find out something new about the historical events of the country. we usually buy package tours, so we needn’t book thе 8 ) and look for 9 ). we never travel on our own. i think it is dangerous. the only thing i don’t like in travelling is packing your 10 ) before you go. it takes a lot of time and you are always afraid that you can forget something. as a rule, at the airport you must have a visa and 11 ) customs declaration. after that you are on the plane and ready to have beautiful time! emma why is cyprus emma’s favorite destination? how can you learn about culture and traditions of the country? why don’t emma and her parents need to book the tickets and look for accommodation? why don’t emma and her parents travel on their own? does emma like packing her things?
Cyprus is Emma's favourite destination because there are a lot of seaside, resorts and tourist attractions.
You can learn about culture and traditions of the country from foreigners and going on different excursions.
Emma and her parents don't need to book the tickets and look for accommodation because they usually buy package tours.
Emma and her parents don't travel on their own because they think it's dangerous.
No, she doesn't