
Doctor wound seemed to be healing and there was nothing to worry about. a. x b. the c. a

Английский язык


Правильный ответ:
b) the
The long history of isolation and remoteness from other continents has created a unique , in many ways, natural world  of New Zealand, featuring a large number of endemic plants and birds. About 1000 years ago, before the human beings’ settlements on the islands there were no mammals. The exceptions were the two species of bats, some whales, sea lions and fur seals . With the arrival of the first permanent inhabitants on these lands, the Polynesians, there appeared small rats and dogs. Later, the first European settlers brought pigs, cows, goats, mice and cats. The development of European settlement in the 19th century brought some new and new types of animals to New Zealand . Only in New Zealand, there were some traces of the giant flightless MOA birds, disappeared about 500 years ago, they were about 3.5 m high. Later, presumably only about 200 years ago, one of the largest known species of Eagles-Eagle Haasta was destroyed, which had a wingspan  up to 3 meters and its weight was up to 15 kg. Among the reptiles found in New Zealand, there were the hatteria  and the skink. The only representative of the Insectivores, imported to the country and went through adaptation was a  European Hedgehog. There are no snakes in New Zealand, and from the spiders a katipo is only poisonous. In fresh reservoirs of the country there are up to 29 species of fish, 8 of which are on the verge of extinction. There are up to 3000 species of fish and other marine creatures in coastal seas. There are nearly  40 species of ants in New Zealand.

Вот на Украинском:

Вчора я приїхав додому, адже на канікулах наша сім'я подорожувала. Зараз я розповім вам про це. Отже, ми відвідали Австралію - країну з багатою і неповторною природою. Проте Австралія привертає до себе туристів не річками та озерами, а своїми морськими пляжами з білим ніжним піском, які затишно розташувалися на північному сході та сході материка.   Погода була надзвичайно сонячна. Я дуже круто провів час і зараз збираюсь розповісти про свою подорож друзям.

Вот на Русском:

Вчера я приехал домой, ведь на каникулах наша семья путешествовала. Сейчас я расскажу вам об этом. Итак, мы посетили Австралию - страну с богатой и неповторимой природой. Однако Австралия привлекает к себе туристов не реками и озерами, а своими морскими пляжами с белым нежным песком, которые уютно расположились на северо-востоке и востоке материка. Погода была очень солнечная. Я очень круто провел время и сейчас собираюсь рассказать о своем путешествии друзьям.

Вот на Английском:

Yesterday I came home, because our family traveled during the holidays. Now I will tell you about it. So, we visited Australia - a country with a rich and unique nature. However, Australia attracts tourists not with rivers and lakes, but with its sea beaches with white delicate sand, which are comfortably located in the northeast and east of the mainland. The weather was very sunny. I had a really cool time and now I'm going to tell my friends about my trip.

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Doctor wound seemed to be healing and there was nothing to worry about. a. x b. the c. a
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