
1. correcting the mistakes each sentence has a mistake. find it and correct it! example antonia is italiana. antonia is italian. where you live? where do you live? 1. my mother works in a hotel is a receptionist 2. i don’t like swim. 3. i arrive at heathrow airport at ten o’clock last night. 4. she could to speak three languages when she was ten. 5. i saw the wife of jeremy at the shops. 6. i don’t can go out because i have a lot of homework. 7. in the kitchen is a table. 8. i was to the cinema last week. 9. i buyed a new video. 10. did you watch the football on tv last evening? 11. italian people is very artistic. 12. i like cities because i can to go to the theatre. 2. questions match a line in a with a line in b to make a question. what where what time who how much how many do you go to bed? languages do you speak? is a cup of coffee and a sandwich? do you usually sit next to? do you do at weekends? do you go on holiday?

Английский язык


1.My mother works in a hotel. She is a receptionist.
2. I don't like to swim.
3. I arrived (или i have arrived, точно не знаю) at Heathrow airport at 10 o'clock last night.
4. She could speak 3 languages when she was ten. (точно не знаю)
5. I saw Jeremy's wife in ghe shop.
6. I can't go outside because j have a lot of homework.
7. A table is in the kitchen. (сржет без is)
8. I was in the cinema lazt week.
9. I bought a new video.
10. Did you watch the football match on TV last evening?
11. Italian people are very artistic.
12. I like cities because incan go to the theater.
Dame Goody was a nurse,she cared for sick people and children.One day a cross-eyed old man hired her to nurse a baby  of his sick wife.In a small house she saw a mistress lying next to the baby and some playing children.The mistress handed Goody the ointment and told her to smear the baby's eyelids with it.Dame Goody was racking her brains why smear the child's eyes and secretly she annointed her own right eyelid.In an instant everything changed.She saw a luxurous house, a lovely rich lady and a nice baby in silver gauze diapers.But the playing children appeared to be devils.Goody realized that she came to the devils.As the hostess recovered, the old man took Dame Goody home.He paid her a lot of money.The next day Goody saw that cross-eyed man at the market walking from counter to counter and stealing something.She decided not to miss such a generous client and hailed him.The old man was surprised and asked her how she could see him.She answered she could see him with her right eye.He exclaimed :"The ointment!" and slept her right eye. Since then she became blind in one eye.

А4 В1 С6 D3 E5

A. Ещё сотни лет назад ходили слухи о большом континенте в Южном полушарии. Его называли "неведомая южная земля". Но до того,как его в 1606 году открыли голландцы,никто не мог сказать,какой он и заселён ли. Первым европейцем,увидевшим континент,стал Виллем Янсзон.

B. В Великобритании валлийцы известны своим пением. Они любят петь вместе. Хоровое пение -- это народное искусство и в каждой деревне есть более чем один хор. Валлийцы поют везде -- на конкурсах,праздниках,в автобусе. И любят петь громко. На фестивале валлийской культуры есть вокальные конкурсы.

С. Ист-Энд особенно известен как центр швейной промышленности Лондона. Веками люди приезжали сюда из-за границы,чтобы найти работу. Родившиеся в Ист-Энде традиционно известны как "кокни",однако сейчас таким термином называют кого-либо,говорящего как лондонец. Обычно они искажают гласные звуки и имеют некоторые проблемы с "th",используя вместо него "f".

D. Джон Трамбулл (1756-1843) был первым американским художником,создававшим исторические полотна,связанные с современными событиями Америки. Его работа "Декларация независимости" -- картина особенной исторической значимости. Из 48 фигур,столпившихся на полотне,36 срисованы с натуры. У стола перед Джоном Хэнкоком стоят Джон Адамс,Роджер Шерман,Роберт Р. Ливингстон,Томас Джефферсон и Бенджамин Франклин.

Е. В Лондоне есть два основных вида автобусов: красные двухэтажные и одноэтажные. Одноэтажные автобусы курсируют между главными станциями и имеют меньше остановок,чем двухэтажные. У двухэтажных 65 посадочных мест для пассажиров. Только пяти пассажирам разрешено ехать стоя,когда заняты все места. Поэтому кондуктор может остановить вас при заходе в автобус,если пять пассажиров уже стоят.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. correcting the mistakes each sentence has a mistake. find it and correct it! example antonia is italiana. antonia is italian. where you live? where do you live? 1. my mother works in a hotel is a receptionist 2. i don’t like swim. 3. i arrive at heathrow airport at ten o’clock last night. 4. she could to speak three languages when she was ten. 5. i saw the wife of jeremy at the shops. 6. i don’t can go out because i have a lot of homework. 7. in the kitchen is a table. 8. i was to the cinema last week. 9. i buyed a new video. 10. did you watch the football on tv last evening? 11. italian people is very artistic. 12. i like cities because i can to go to the theatre. 2. questions match a line in a with a line in b to make a question. what where what time who how much how many do you go to bed? languages do you speak? is a cup of coffee and a sandwich? do you usually sit next to? do you do at weekends? do you go on holiday?
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