1. Когда само по себе действие важнее, чем его исполнитель, и говорящий хочет указать именно на действие. Например:
A courier delivers mail every day. – Курьер доставляет почту каждый день. (Active Voice)
The mail is delivered every day. – Почту доставляют каждый день. (Passive Voice)
В первом предложении мы указываем исполнителя действия, а во втором используем пассивный залог, так как хотим подчеркнуть само действие, факт доставки, а не его исполнителя.
2. Пассивный залог используют, если исполнитель действия неизвестен, неважен или понятен из контекста:
These clothes are made in Italy. – Эта одежда изготавливается в Италии.
The new laws will be discussed tomorrow. – Новые законы будут обсуждаться завтра.
Поэтому в газетных заголовках и статьях, в объявлениях, инструкциях, рекламных текстах пассивный залог используется чаще чем активный:
The valuable painting was stolen from the museum last night. – Ценная картина была украдена из музея ночью.
The company was sold. – Компания была продана.
Our vegetables are not sprayed with pesticides. – Наши овощи не обрызгиваются пестицидами.
3. Пассивный залог используют, когда говорят о неприятных ситуациях и не хотят никого обвинять, а также чтобы придать высказыванию более вежливый характер:
The party was spoilt. – Вечеринка была испорчена.
The order wasn’t dispatched yesterday but it will be done tomorrow. – Заказ не был отправлен вчера, но это сделают завтра.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
For most people in zimbabwe, christmas day starts with a church service дайте весь стих это стих про рождество в зимбамбе
A lot of people get their biggest stereo speakers out and put them out side the front of the house and play their favourite music very loudly! It is not only Christmas music that is played, but also the latest pop tunes and old African favourites.
Everyone wears their best clothes for Christmas, as for some families the only new clothes they get every year are for Christmas. The parties are a good place to show off their new clothes.
Children in Zimbabwe believe that Santa Claus brings them there presents early on Christmas Day, ready to show their friends at Church and at the parties.
Only the main room in the house is often decorated in Zimbabwe. Some Zimbabweans have a traditional 'European' Christmas Tree, but they decorate the room with plants like Ivy. This is draped around the whole of the top of room.
Christmas Carols are sung during the Christmas Day morning service and in services leading up to Christmas. There are also sometimes Carols by Candlelight Services in city parks.
The Christmas Cards that are used in Zimbabwe sometimes have African pictures on them, such as wild animals, but most are imported so they have the traditional 'snow scenes' and pictures of the Christmas story on them.
The special food eaten at Christmas in Zimbabwe is Chicken with rice. Chicken is a very expensive food in Zimbabwe and is a special treat for Christmas. This is often eaten at the Christmas Day parties.
Santa might sometimes arrive at big stores in a Fire Engine. The streets in the big cities also can have colorful Christmas lights.
Over the last decade Zimbabwe has had many changes, please see the Zimbabwe Country profile at BBC News and Zimbabwe Situation for more information. This is a short video about Christmas being better in 2009 in Zimbabwe