
An american banker was walking on a beautiful beach in a small mexican village. he saw a fisherman in his boat with a few fish on it. 'great fish! ' he said. 'how long did it take you to catch them? ' 'not very long', answered the fisherman. 'why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more? ' asked the banker. 'there are just enough fish here to feed my family', answered the mexican. then the american asked, 'but what do you do the rest of the time? ' 'i sleep late, i fish a little, i play with my kids, i have siestas. in the evening, i go to see my friends in the village. we drink wine and play the guitar. i'm busier than you think. life here isn't as ' the american interrupted him. 'i have an mba from harvard university and i can help you. you're not fishing as much as you can. if you start fishing for longer periods of time, you'll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. then with the money you'll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat and then a third one and so on. than instead of selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even open your own factory. than you'll be able to leave your little village for mexico city and finally move to new york, where you could direct the company. 'how long will that take? ' asked the mexican. 'about 15 to 20 years' answered the banker. 'and then? ' then it gets more interesting, ' said the american, smiling and talking more quickly. 'when the moment comes, you can put your company on the stock market and you will make millions.' 'millions? but then what? ' 'then you can retire, live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kids, '

Английский язык



Американский банкир прогуливался по прекрасному пляжу в маленькой мексиканской деревушке. Он увидел рыбака в лодке и немного рыбы в ней. "Отличная рыба!",сказал он. "Сколько ты её ловил?"

"Не так долго",ответил рыбак.

"Почему бы тебе не остаться в море подольше,чтобы наловить побольше?",спросил банкир.

"Здесь уже достаточно рыбы,чтобы накормить мою семью",ответил мексиканец.

Потом американец спросил:"А что ты делаешь в оставшееся время?"

"Я сплю допоздна,немного рыбачу,играю с детьми,отдыхаю. По вечерам иду в гости к своим друзьям в деревню. Мы пьём вино и играем на гитаре. У меня больше дел,чем вы думаете. Жизнь здесь не..."

Американец перебил его. "Я учился в Гарварде управлять бизнесом и могу тебе. Ты не ловишь столько,сколько можешь. Ты должен дольше рыбачить,больше получить за рыбу и купить лодку побольше. На деньги,полученные от ловли и продажи рыбы,тебе нужно купить вторую,третью и так далее лодку. Затем,вместо того,чтобы продавать рыбу магазинам,продавай её напрямую рыбозаводу или даже открой свой завод. Ты сможешь сменить свою деревушку на Мехико,а затем  и на Нью-Йорк,где возглавишь компанию."

"И сколько времени это займёт?",спросил мексиканец.

"Около 15-20 лет",ответил банкир.

"А потом?"

"Потом интереснее",сказал американец,улыбаясь и ускоряя своё повествование."Когда настанет нужный момент,ты сможешь выставить свою компанию на фондовый рынок и тем самым заработаешь миллионы."

"Миллионы? А что потом?"

"Потом ты сможешь уединиться,жить в маленькой деревушке,ходить на пляж,спать допоздна,играть с детьми.."

My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in 1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.
The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.
It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”. The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.

Мой самый любимый фильм - "Титаник". Он рассказывает историю известного судна "Титаник", которое затонуло в 1912 году. "Титаник" был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.

Режиссер фильма - Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель "Титаника" в натуральную величину.

Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть "Титаник". Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.


1. Dave is very shy and blushes when strangers talk to him.

2. Carol didn’t answer, she just shrugged her shoulders instead.

3. Kathie is very reliable. She won’t let you down.

4. Mark doesn’t get angry easily. He’s very patient.

5. He was so angry, he clenched his fists tightly.

6. Listen to me! Don’t be so stubborn.

7. Liza has many friends because she is very sociable.

8. A selfish person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.

9. Don’t believe everything Bill says. He’s a bit insincere.

10. Pessimistic people always see negative side of things.


2. Put the verbs in the correct form of the verb.

I go jogging every morning.

I’m tired. I haven't slept yet.

My brother always wears my clothes.

Why are you looking at me now?

How often do you have English lessons?

The children are dirty. They have been playing football since morning.

We can’t buy the tickets. We have already spent all our money.

I was cooking a cake when he came back home yesterday.

I lived in Brazil two years ago.

It’s hot. I'll open the window.


3. Form adjectives from the following words.

logic –  logical

confuse –  confusing

fame –  famous

effect –  effective

fool –  foolish


4. Fill in the preposition:

He isn't patient with stubborn people.

She's excellent at maths.

She is very close to her mom.

You shouldn't be jealous of your sister.

5. Fill in: along, across, down, over, over with

When the weather gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a wizard to make the sun shining.

Do you feel like you can't get your ideas across?

I'd like to get my project over with.

Peter couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident he got no harm.

My brother gets on well with everybody.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

An american banker was walking on a beautiful beach in a small mexican village. he saw a fisherman in his boat with a few fish on it. 'great fish! ' he said. 'how long did it take you to catch them? ' 'not very long', answered the fisherman. 'why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more? ' asked the banker. 'there are just enough fish here to feed my family', answered the mexican. then the american asked, 'but what do you do the rest of the time? ' 'i sleep late, i fish a little, i play with my kids, i have siestas. in the evening, i go to see my friends in the village. we drink wine and play the guitar. i'm busier than you think. life here isn't as ' the american interrupted him. 'i have an mba from harvard university and i can help you. you're not fishing as much as you can. if you start fishing for longer periods of time, you'll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. then with the money you'll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat and then a third one and so on. than instead of selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even open your own factory. than you'll be able to leave your little village for mexico city and finally move to new york, where you could direct the company. 'how long will that take? ' asked the mexican. 'about 15 to 20 years' answered the banker. 'and then? ' then it gets more interesting, ' said the american, smiling and talking more quickly. 'when the moment comes, you can put your company on the stock market and you will make millions.' 'millions? but then what? ' 'then you can retire, live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kids, '
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