Лидер использует его / ее руки, чтобы показать время.
1) i can do different exercises or to run to burn calories. it's not so difficult 2)every day i do some warm-up exercises, then i run and then some relaxing exercises 3)a person should eat just useful,natural products. a lot of vegitables and fruits. and 5 times a day, but noy very much. and also to drink a lot. 4)yes,there are a lot of convenience food in the shops in my city. sometimes very rarely i can by it and it tastes not bad. but i know that it's not very good for me,for my health. 5)yes,there are some fast food restaurants in my city and they are very popular. it smells very tasty but i cannot eat this, i don't know why.I weaned myself because it brings just harm
From ancient many wise thinkers was wonderig what is the society and what is the state? Do people get more freedom in a large society or not? The ancient philosopher Aristotle that had good education work over different questions. One of them is an ideal state. He thaight people can be politic (greek "politicos") and impolitic ("idioticos"). Politic take part in different meetings and forums. Solve many problems and set rules how it should be. The must be good orators because they express their views and thaughts. They must do it correctly, succinctly. Also they should know other people needs and possibilities for to make society developing steadily. Aristotle had represented other models of political structure of the state. The most correct he made democracy. The worsest model he thaught tyranny. The democracy is the political structure when all people take part in political dicision and everybody rules. This moel is the most legal. People have equal rights. Opposite is tyranny. Only one person rules. Executive, judicial, legislative power are concentrated in the hands of one person. In this case people can not solve their problems correctly. They do not take part in political area. And the state is developping unstable. - Now we can see different political structures in the world. There are many ideologies and paradigms. The most common form of government is democracy with capitalism. People have rights to earn the most simple way. They can chose a profession, they can sell products and services. In many countries they have life insurance. High education is available to most people. Everybody have access to political documents, laws. There is possibility to seek assistance from the governments. - Ideal government provides all the rights and freedoms to its citizens. And work to become more powerful and perfect.