
Составьте стишок по наброскам: . му mam is a/ my ded is as a/ . тема животные.

Английский язык


 My mom is as beautiful as a butterfly
She is so kind
My dad is as strong as a tiger
He is so brave
В нем была маленькая девочка с ее старшим братом. Её звали (имя), а ее старшего брата (имя). На вид ей было около десяти лет, а ему приблизительно пятнадцать. В момент взлета, когда взорвались другие космические корабли, они думали, что погибнут. Но произошло чудо и они выжили. Дети были сиротами, поэтому, когда умерла их мама, первым делом, их отправили в приют. Маленькая (имя) этого не помнила, но вот ее старший брат всё хорошо запомнил. Когда (имя) исполнилось пятнадцать, к нему пришли  для того чтобы провести эксперимент. Ведь никто не хотел отправляться на землю, поэтому туда, для экспериметна были выбраны люди, при смерти которых планета ниего бы не потеряла. Сироты были одними из таких людей. В один корабль был посажен бомж, в другой человек, жить которому осталось около месяца и так далее. Жизнь на той планете была действительно несправедлива.
it was the little girl with her older brother. Her name was (name) and her older brother (name). In appearance she was about ten years old and he was about fifteen. During the takeoff, when you blew up the other spaceships, they thought I would die. But a miracle happened and they survived. The children were orphans, therefore, when he died their mother, first of all, they were sent to an orphanage. Little (name) didn't remember, but her older brother all well remembered. When (name) was fifteen, came to him to conduct an experiment. After all, no one wanted to go to earth, so there for experimetn were the chosen people, dying planet which Diego wouldn't have lost. Orphans were one of those people. In one ship was sent up the bum, another man to live whom remained about one month and so on. Life on that planet was really unfair
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Healthy lifestyle. What is it like? I think first of all you should eat healthy food - fruit and vegetables, fish and meat. Also you should drink much water. Of course Physical exercises are of great help. You have to train regularly to keep fit. Try to spend two hours a day outside. You can invite your friends to play some games with you such as volleyball for example. And keep calm. Try not to be nervous because it can course any pain or illness. I believe healthy lifestyle is in your mind. If you really want to be healthy you will find all the ways to get it.

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