
Переведите тексты, обращая особое внимание на значения выделенных глаголов, реализуемые в контексте. текст 1 peter kelly, a 14-year-old english boy, made headlines by running away to malaysia on his father's passport. the first time peter ran off was two years ago, when he went to edinburgh. "we were really worried, " says his mother. "we knew he had gone but we didn't know where he had gone" every time peter runs off he calls his mother to let her know he is safe. she then calls the police and arranges for him to be cared for until he can return home. each time his journey gets longer and longer. before malaysia he had been to paris twice before his parents confiscated his passport. this time he solved the problem by using his father's passport. as his mother says, peter just loves travelling and will go to any lengths to plan and execute a trip. usually when he goes off there is a row, but he seems to generate them as an excuse for going. it, of course, provokes the question of where and why it all went wrong with the kelly family. his parents are afraid for him. "i don't want him to become a criminal. i imagine they start in a small way and when they find they get away with it they progress, " says his mother.

Английский язык


Петер Келли,14-летний английский мальчик,отметился во всех газетах,убежав в Малайзию по паспорту своего отца. Первый раз Петер убежал из дома два года назад,когда приехал в Эдинбург. "Мы действительно перепугались",говорит его мать."Мы знали,что он убежал,но не знали,куда." Каждый раз,когда Петер убегает,то обязательно звонит матери,чтобы сообщить,что он в безопасности. А затем она вызывает полицию и заботится о нём,пока он не вернулся домой. Каждый раз его побеги становятся всё длиннее и длиннее. Перед Малайзией он два раза был в Париже прежде чем родители конфисковали его паспорт. Но он в то же время решил эту проблему,используя паспорт отца. Как говорит его мать,Петер всего лишь любит путешествовать и пойдёт на всё,лишь бы запланировать и выполнить поездку. Обычно,когда он убегает,то затевает скандал,но чаще как извинение за побег. Это,конечно же,вызывает вопросы,где и почему всё это происходит в семье Келли. Его родители боятся его."Я не хочу,чтобы он стал бандитом. Я думаю,что они начинают с малого,а когда понимают,что ничего им не будет,то расширяют свою деятельность",говорит его мать. 
Мирзоев Денис

3)Where(5) we just spend time window-shopping

it's such a cool area that you can always find 2) something (3) interesting and different to buy

I'm not really into mainstream fashion, so East village is 1)about (1) I went out at the weekends.

We’re all crazy 5)so (6) water rides so if the weather is good and the sun is out we go on the waterslides.

Then, we either go for a coffee 6)or (4) we go to the dostyk plaza mall to do some shopping.


I love hanging 4)out (2) with my friends during the weekends.

Объяснение:1. about

2. out

3. something

4. or

5. where

6. so

у меня были такие слова, не уверена что правильно, но по смыслу подходит


Symbols and signs are an integral part of the esoteric secret knowledge, which has many meanings, and is available to few. It is based on the principle that he will understand who extracts the maximum from the minimum, ie. E. I understand the one who knows how to read the language of symbols and signs. Symbols - this is the language in which the gods speak to people. For example, a simple symbol "cross" and "circle" embody the global idea of creation and evolution of the world. Ancient Egyptian saying goes, "The way of the truth - the way of simplicity. The complexity of the signs of decline. Simplicity - the path to the knowledge of the truth. "What is the symbolism? Symbols like a maze - easy to get lost, you can get to a dead end, to go harder than enter, and do not acquire, in addition to the true path. Symbolism - visible expression of ideas or thoughts. The original letter had no signs and symbols expressed the whole phrase or sentence. Symbols like Ariadne's thread, helps a person not to get lost in the maze of his own life. The symbol - do not specify, and a hint.



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Переведите тексты, обращая особое внимание на значения выделенных глаголов, реализуемые в контексте. текст 1 peter kelly, a 14-year-old english boy, made headlines by running away to malaysia on his father's passport. the first time peter ran off was two years ago, when he went to edinburgh. "we were really worried, " says his mother. "we knew he had gone but we didn't know where he had gone" every time peter runs off he calls his mother to let her know he is safe. she then calls the police and arranges for him to be cared for until he can return home. each time his journey gets longer and longer. before malaysia he had been to paris twice before his parents confiscated his passport. this time he solved the problem by using his father's passport. as his mother says, peter just loves travelling and will go to any lengths to plan and execute a trip. usually when he goes off there is a row, but he seems to generate them as an excuse for going. it, of course, provokes the question of where and why it all went wrong with the kelly family. his parents are afraid for him. "i don't want him to become a criminal. i imagine they start in a small way and when they find they get away with it they progress, " says his mother.
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