- i hadn't seen my cousins since they were children.(я не видел моих двоюродных братьев, так как они были ещё детьми) (past perfect).
- i left my home town five years ago.(я оставил свой родной город пять лет назад) (past simple).
- while i was studying for my exams my sister was flying to paris.(в то время как я готовился к экзаменам моя сестра летала в париж). (past continuous)
- i was walking in the sunshine last sunday when i got caught in a shower.(я гулял в хорошую погоду в прошлом воскресенье, когда я попал под ливень). (past continuous)
- last winter i had the flu for three weeks.(прошлой зимой у меня был грипп в течение трех недель). (past simple)
- i went to america for my holidays last summer.(я издил в америку на моих каникулах летом прошлого года). (past simple)
- at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, i was doing my homework.(в пять часов вчера я делаю свою работу). (past continuous)
- i joined a new english class last january and by june i had taken my exam.(я перешёл в новый класс в январе прошлого года и в июне я сдал экзамен). (past perfect)
5 use the adverbs and time expressions below to make the sentences about yourself. use past tenses.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
№7: complete the part of the story with the sentences below. chapter five when passepartout becomes an acrobat. hong kong was the last country they travelled to under british law. в низу-1, 2 и т.д.) it was not difficult to imagine his anger when he discovered that the british officials in hong kong knew nothing about this paper and told him he had to wait for it. his only chance to arrest phileas fogg was to keep him in hong kong, but how? while he was thinking about this, fix recognised passepartout walking down the steps of the ship which was taking them to 'nice to meet you again, мr ' 'i'm sorry, mr.fix, but i really don't have time to talk, ' said passepartout, and he continued walking. 'but tell me, do you always go everywhere so quickly? ' 1) 'fix. we met in egypt, in the suez.' не shook his hand . не was а little out of breath. 2) 'i need to go back to the hotel to tell my master that the ship can leave tonight.' 3) this was the inspector's final opportunity to get an arrest paper for phileas fogg. 4) 'oh, i understand, but let mе walk with you оn the way to your hotel, ' said inspector fix. 5) an excited inspector fix ran towards him.
5) Fix побежал к Passepartout, о котором упоминается в предыдущем предложении;
1) является ответом на заданный в предыдущем предложении вопрос: 'Nice to meet you again, Мr ...?';
2) является ответом на заданный в предыдущем предложении вопрос: 'But tell me, do you always go everywhere so quickly?';
4) ответ Fix на предыдущую реплику Passepartout.