1. I don’t feel very well. I have got a headache. - Я не очень хорошо себя чувствую. У меня болит голова.
2. It’s a nice flat but it hasn't got a balcony. - Это хорошая квартира, но здесь нету балкона.
3. Most animals have got four legs. - Большинство животных имеют четыре ноги.
4. Katy likes animals. She has got a lot of pets. - Кейт любит животных. У неё много котов.
5. I’m going to the dentist’s. I have got a toothache. - Я иду к зубному врачу. У меня зубная боль.
6. Grandma can’t read the letter. She hasn't got her glasses. - Бабушка не может прочитать буквы. У неё нету очков.
1. These paintings are presented in the Museum of… Arts. B. Fine
2. Most fiction is ... writing. C. narrative
3. She is an actress, she has a very attractive ... . C. appearance
4. A ... took place between Russian and American students. B. conversation
5. They tried ... him to write a novel. C. to persuade
6. It is not easy to … the words in a pattern. D. to arrange
7. She has some … not to go there. B. reasons
8. You should read much and you should ... your reading. A. broaden:
9. He has a ... knowledge of the subject. B. deep
10. There are main forms of ... : tragedy and comedy. C. drama
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