
Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму past continuous. переведите предложения. 1) ) in mexico in june, 2010. 2) when i entered the bathroom 3) when she met, they (work) for the same company. 4) what you (do) last night? 5) i showed him my new dress, but he (not look) at . 6) when it sarted to rain, (sit) on the grass. 7) which hotel anna (stay) when she lost her credit card? 8) we (sleep) when the phone rang. 9) doctor fleming discovered penicillin while he (study) influenza. 10) sam (stand) under the tree because it (rain). 11) when the teacher came into the classroom, the children (run) and (scream). 12) while bob (chop) the meat, his wife (peel) potatoes. 13) when l arrived at the party, all the guests (dance). 14) the waiter cut his finger while he (pick up) the broken glasses. 15) what you (wear) when he met you?

Английский язык



1) I was living in Mexico in June, 2010.  

   Я жил в Мексике в 2010 году.

2) When I entered the bathroom he was shaving.

   Когда я зашёл в ванную, он брился.

3) When she met him, they were working for the same company.

   Когда они познакомились, они работали в одной компании.  

4) What were you doing last night?

   Что ты делал ночью?

5) I showed him my new dress, but he wasn't looking at it.

   Я показывала ему своё новое платье, но он не смотрел на него.

6) When it started to rain, they were sitting on the grass.

   Когда начался дождь, они сидели на траве.

7) Which hotel was Anna staying when she lost her credit card?

   В каком отеле жила Анна, когда она потеряла свою кредитную карту?

8) We were sleeping when the phone rang.

   Мы спали, когда зазвонил телефон.

9) Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he was studying influenza.

   Доктор Флеминг открыл пенициллин, когда изучал грипп.

10) Sam was standing under the tree because it was raining.

     Сэм стоял под деревом, потому что шёл дождь.

11) When the teacher came into the classroom, the children were running and screaming.

     Когда учитель вошёл в класс, дети бегали и кричали.

12) While Bob was chopping the meat, his wife was peeling potatoes.

     Пока Боб рубил мясо, его жена чистила картошку.

13) When I arrived at the party, all the guests were dancing.

     Когда я пришел на вечеринку, все гости танцевали.

14) The waiter cut his finger while he was picking up the broken glasses.

     Официант порезал палец, пока подбирал осколки разбитых стаканов.

15) What were you wearing when he met you?

     Что на тебе было надето, когда он встретил тебя?

In Greece and Rome the earliest books were written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark covered with wax, and writing was possible upon them with a small stick called “stylus". In Assyria and Babylonia clay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood. After baking, the tablets were kept on shelves. They were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day. The earliest books of the ancient world were written on papyrus and skins of young animals. These books took the form of a long strip, roiled from one cylinder to another. Though paper has been known in China since the first century, the secret of papermaking came to Europe much later. Books were popular in ancient Rome: there were many booksellers and the first public library was founded there about 39 B.C.1 Only the rich could buy books or make their slaves copy books from important libraries.
By the time, of the Middle Ages all books were handwritten, beautifully decorated, but they were often chained to the shelves. But only few people could read them. First printing was invented in China and by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses in Europe . The early printers were not only craftsmen but also editors, publishers and booksellers. The first printing, press in England was set up by William Caxton at Westminster in 1476. and the first printing press in Russia — by Ivan Fedorov in Moscow in 1564. Early libraries were used only by scientists but latery they were used by the public. In the 19th century a proper system of public libraries appeared. Now most countries have their own national libraries.
Many old university libraries have rich collections of books: Oxford and Cambridge in England, Harvard and Yale in the United States.
Among the great libraries of the world we can name the British Museum Library (the British Library) in London, the Library of Congress in the United States, it’s the world’s largest Library, Bibliotheque Nationale in France , the Beijing Library in China, the State Public Library in Moscow.
Modern libraries do their best to help people get information as quickly as possible. They use computers and electronic catalogues.Probably the most difficult problem for any library is to keep their books, journals and films.
Боб: можно поговорить с тобой кое о чем?
Том: Конечно. Что случилось?
Боб: Вообще-то я бы хотел поговорить о твоем мусорном ведре.
Том: В чем проблема?
Боб: Мне жаль это говорить, но оно очень неприятно пахнет. Больше я не хочу с этим мириться.
Том: Конечно, оно же полно мусора, чего ты ожидал?
Боб: Ты бы мог сначала складывает мусор в мусорные пакеты, так будет меньше запаха.
Том: Но мусорные пакеты стоят деньги! А просто бросать мусор в ведро не стоит ничего!
Боб: Да, я понимаю это, но запах действительно раздражает. Он просто выводит меня из себя!
Том: Прости меня за это.
Боб: К тому же, этот запах привлекает мух и других насекомых, а это может быть опасно для здоровья.
Том: Да, это действительно важно. Хорошо, теперь я буду пользоваться мусорными пакетами.

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Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму past continuous. переведите предложения. 1) ) in mexico in june, 2010. 2) when i entered the bathroom 3) when she met, they (work) for the same company. 4) what you (do) last night? 5) i showed him my new dress, but he (not look) at . 6) when it sarted to rain, (sit) on the grass. 7) which hotel anna (stay) when she lost her credit card? 8) we (sleep) when the phone rang. 9) doctor fleming discovered penicillin while he (study) influenza. 10) sam (stand) under the tree because it (rain). 11) when the teacher came into the classroom, the children (run) and (scream). 12) while bob (chop) the meat, his wife (peel) potatoes. 13) when l arrived at the party, all the guests (dance). 14) the waiter cut his finger while he (pick up) the broken glasses. 15) what you (wear) when he met you?
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