Hi, dear friend,
i am apologising for the fact that I havent written to you for so long. But i definitely need to tell a story about what happened to me recently.
So it took place last Suturday, when my cousin, asked me to hang out with him. And we diceded to go to the lake, as it was boiling hot day, sun was shining, and that was our only way to survive from the heat. At first we thought it would be a great day for both of us, but we were wrong. When we came there we were swimming, sunbathing for hours. The first to hours were amathing and nothing foretold troubles. But after a while the huge gray clouds began to gather over our heads. I stated to worry, while my cousin was completly carefree as in the beginning. But all of a sudden we saw a lightning, right in front of us. We were lucky, as it hit the ground. We literally felt its vibration After that we heard tha frightening sound of a thunder. with the thought "what a nightmare" I grabbed my brother's hand and we run out from the water.
Eventually, just a few minutes later we, completely wet, were already at home. From that moment I am trying to monitor the behavior of nature. What do you think about this stiry. Reply me as soon as you can.
Best wishes, и тут напиши свое имя. Можешь заменить двоюродного брата на кого угодно.
I am Harry Potter, I am a wizard! I live with the Dursley family but mostly I live in Hogwarts and it's the best school I think! We usually have breakfast in the Great Hall. I like studying here! I study Herbology at the greenhouse three times a week and I study the night skies, I mean Astronomy, of course, every Wednesday at midnight. It's amazing! For sure we sometimes have free time and I usually play Quidditch. I love it! After dinner me and my friends meet in the common room and discuss different things. I always sleep in the house dormitory. I love magic! And I love Hogwarts!
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