How many relatives are going to stay with Diana's family? ответ my elder sister and her husband are coming to stay. They are bringing their children with them. How old is Diana's nephew? ответ the boy is about six months old and the girl is two. Старше на 6 месяцев. What is Diana's going to do next week? ответ next week she will be very busy cleaning her room and shopping for Christmas presents
1) If you take away crumbs from the table by your hand you'll have bad luck. Не смахивайте мусор со стола рукой — к безденежью.
2) Keeping peacock feathers or a bunch of reeds at home can break the family. Держать в доме павлиньи перья или букет из камыша — к развалу семьи.
3) Cutting your hair by yourself leads you to poverty. Самого себя стричь — к бедности.
4) Washing the apartment in the evening is casting the happiness out of the house. Мыть квартиру вечером — вымывать счастье из дома.
5) Nothing should be sewn up just before leaving home. Прежде чем выйти из дома, ничего нельзя зашивать.
Hi there, mom! The visit to the Moscow was awesome! Ann and I were given a tour by a guide. We've visited the majestic Kremlin and the Red Square. Also, did you know that it's not Red itself, it was called so because in Russian language red means beautiful! We've also visited the mausoleum of comrade Lenin. It was so creepy! Ann was expecting Lenin's body to rise and eat our brains! Haha, that was ridiculous! Anyway, we've brought you some souvenir like matryoshka, mini-balalaika and "shapka-ushkanka". Right now we're inside the train. Hope you receive this e-mail, Your daughter, Julia.