
Напишите сочинение на языке 5 класс про любого дикого животного

Английский язык


Lion - record for altitude in the shoulders among all the cats. By weight, it is in second place after the tiger. Lions have a powerful legs, strong jaws and canines have a length of 8 cm, so these predators capable of killing large animals. Lion's skull is very similar to the tiger, frontal area, as a rule, more reduced and flat. Nose is wider than the tigers. However, these two types of skull shape is very similar, the differences are only in the structure of the lower jaw. Coloration varies from skin color Buffalo to yellowish, reddish or dark brown. The lower part of the body of a lion lighter than the top, the tip of the tail is black. Lion cubs born with brown spots on the body, like a leopard. When puberty these spots disappear, although some adults, especially in females, they are saved on the abdomen and legs.
Lion wild animal.He lives in the savannah. walk like a pack and alone.



a: Do I have to bring a tent?

b: No, you don't have to bring a tent. You can use mine.

a: Do I have to pay for using it?

b: Of course, not. You can stay with me for free.

a: Do I have to cook?

b: No, if you don't want to cook, you don't have to do it.

a: Do I have to wash my clothes?

b: Yes, you have to wash your clothes.

a: Do I have to clean around the tent?

b: Yes, everyone has to clean around their tents.

a: Do I have to have a camp stove?

b: No, you do not have to have a camp stove.


My favourite magazine is "National Geographic". It is published monthly and it has been published since 1888.

Usually I borrow this magazine from the library and read it when I have free time. I like National Geographic because it has so many interesting articles with bright colourful photos. Its articles can be about science, geography, history and world culture. It is very interesting to read about different countries, their people and traditions. Amazing photos in the magazine leave me speechless. They make me want to travel to those places.  I also love reading articles about historical events and famous people.

I recommend everybody to read this magazine.

Мой любимый журнал — National Geographic. Он выходит ежемесячно и публикуется с 1888 года.

Обычно я беру этот журнал в библиотеке и читаю, когда у меня есть свободное время. Мне нравится National Geographic, потому что там много интересных статей с яркими красочными фотографиями. Статьи могут быть о науке, географии, истории и мировой культуре. Очень интересно читать о разных странах, их людях и традициях. Удивительные фотографии в журнале лишают меня дара речи. Они вызывают у меня желание отправиться в эти места. А еще я люблю читать статьи об исторических событиях и известных людях.

Я рекомендую всем читать этот журнал.

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