
Сделать ! 1 the streets and squares of our cities and villages are decorated with flags and lights. 2. war veterans are invited to watch the parade, the fireworks and take part in celebrations. 3. they are also invited to attend school meetings. 4. the 66 anniversary of the victory was celebrated last year. 5. it is unfair, but every year fewer and fewer veterans are seen. 6. but we are sure that their heroism will always be remember. какие из предложений отвечают на active voice b yf passive voice?

Английский язык


1 The streets and squares of our cities and villages are decorated (Passive Voice) with flags and lights.
2. War veterans are invited (Passive Voice) to watch the parade, the fireworks and take part in celebrations.
3. They are also invited (Passive Voice) to attend school meetings.
4. The 66 anniversary of the Victory was celebrated (Passive Voice) last year.
5. It is (Active Voice) unfair, but every year fewer and fewer veterans are seen (Passive Voice).
6. But we are sure (Active Voice) that their heroism will always be rememberd (Passive Voice).

Восхождение на самую высокую точку Британии

Каждый год тысячи людей поднимаются на гору Бен-Невис в Шотландии, и из-за его северного местоположения климат может быть чрезвычайно холодным. Альпинист Кит Хьюитт описывает свое первое восхождение на Бен Невис.

Это был февраль, мой первый серьезное зимнее восхождение. Наш маршрут проходил по северному склону горы к Тауэр Риджу. Это шестьсот метров вверх - вероятно, самый длинный подъем в Британии. Мы планировали стать лагерем на три дня в «Corries», которые похожи на большие чаши, врезанные в стены горы на полпути.

Мы несли палатки, спальные мешки и металлические шипы для наших ботинок - без них на Бен Невисе были бы проблемы, потому что снег такой, как будто вы идете по льду. Хотя некоторые участники группы были очень опытными, мы упаковали все виды оборудования для безопасности,  в том числе фонари для привлечения внимания, каски и дополнительную одежду. Хотя прогноз погоды был идеальным, без сильных ветров, у нас все еще было общее чувство нервозности во время выхода. Бен-Невис зимой — это всегда вызов.

Трасса вскоре пошла вверх, и мои ноги стали тяжелыми. Будучи самым слабым членом группы, я должен был чаще отдыхать. Другие иногда останавливались, чтобы позволить мне догнать их, но как только я добирался до них, они снова отправлялись в путь. Я пообещал себе, что в будущем я всегда буду правильно тренироваться перед подъемом.

Через 200 метров мы достигли начала хребта Тауэр Ридж, маршрута, который приведет нас к вершине Бен-Невис. Его ширина всего полтора метра, и с каждой стороны обрывы на сотни метров. Мы знали, что должны сохранять спокойствие и концентрироваться на каждом шаге.

После семи часов подъема мы достигли вершины. В ясный день можно увидеть море и прямо через него — остров Скай, в 48 километрах. Однако нам не так повезло, так как спустился туман.

На Бен-Невисе возвращение в лагерь может быть такой же сложной задачей, как и подъем. Необходимо уметь правильно читать карту — неправильный поворот может привести к склонам, слишком опасным для спуска зимой. Я был рад, что мы решили выполнять эту работу по очереди. В тот первый раз, только когда я был в безопасности в палатке, я мог сказать, что действительно наслаждался этим опытом. По крайней мере, я добрался до вершины.

Once there was a little girl. Mother loved her without memory, and grandmother more. To the birthday granddaughter grandmother gave her red cap. Since then, the girl everywhere it went. Neighbors so about it and said:- That is Little Red Riding Hood!Once baked pie mother and daughter said:- Go on, Little Red Riding Hood to his grandmother, pulled down her cake and a pot of oil so find out if she is healthy.Little Red Riding Hood gathered and went to his grandmother.There is a forest it and meet it - the gray wolf.- Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - Wolf asked.- I'm going to my grandmother and carry her a cake and a pot of oil.- And your grandmother lives far away?- Away - meets Little Red Riding Hood. - Look to the village of Mill, in the first house at the edge.- Well, - said Wolf - I also want to visit your grandmother. I'll go down this road, and you go for one. Let's see which one of us will come sooner.Wolf said it, and ran what was the spirit, at the short track.And Little Red Riding Hood went on the longest road. She walked slowly, stopped on the way, tearing and picking flowers in bouquets. Before she could even walk to the mill, and Wolf have rode to the grandmother's small house and knocks on the door:
Knock Knock!- Who's there? - Asks the grandmother.
- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf is responsible - I to visit you came, brought a cake and a pot of oil.
A grandmother was ill at the time and was lying in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood, and shouted:
- Pull the rope, my child, and the door opens!
Wolf pulled the strings - and the door opened.
I rushed to the grandmother and the wolf swallowed it again. He was very hungry, because three days did not eat anything. Then he closed the door, lay down on her grandmother's bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
she came and knocked on Coming Soon:
Knock Knock!- Who's there? - Wolf asked. And his voice was rough, hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then I thought that my grandmother hoarse from the cold and said:
- It's me, your granddaughter. Brought you a cake and a pot of oil!
Wolf cleared his throat and said thinner:
- Pull the rope, my child, and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope, and the door opened. In came the girl in the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and says:
- Put it on, granddaughter, cake on the table, put a pot on the shelf while she lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood Wolf lay near and asks:
- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?
- It is stronger to hug you, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?
- To hear better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big eyes?
- In order to see better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
- And this is likely to eat you, my child!
No sooner had Little Red Riding Hood and gasp as the wolf lunged at her and swallowed.
But, fortunately, this time passed woodcutters house with axes on their shoulders. They heard the noise, ran into the house and killed the wolf. And then he ripped the belly and stepped out Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother - both unharmed.

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Сделать ! 1 the streets and squares of our cities and villages are decorated with flags and lights. 2. war veterans are invited to watch the parade, the fireworks and take part in celebrations. 3. they are also invited to attend school meetings. 4. the 66 anniversary of the victory was celebrated last year. 5. it is unfair, but every year fewer and fewer veterans are seen. 6. but we are sure that their heroism will always be remember. какие из предложений отвечают на active voice b yf passive voice?
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