
Эссе на тему "where better to learn english in primary school or in secondary" 10-11 предложений

Английский язык


In my opinion, primary school is better place for learning English language than secondary school. Some experts claim that childen between 4-9 years old have great opportunity to learn new languages. These ages play important role in childrens' building character and developing their personality. Also child's carefree mind can catch more points of English in this level. And experts' studies show that pupils who started to learn English language in secondary school speak good English. But those children who started to learn it in primary school have better English skills. But the most important role, of course, play teachers. Their methods and the whole school atmosphere.
1. Jessie is not so cheerful today. (не такая радостная. gloomy - хмурый) 2. Polly's new dress is not so light. (не такое светлое. dark - темный) 3. Mary was nervous and unhappy yesterday, but today she is not so fussy. (не такая суетливая. calm - спокойный). 4. I suddenly understood that this character in the book was not kindly and at times even cruel. (недружелюбный. unkindly - то же значение). 5. The baby has grown up a little. It is not so tiny now. (не такой крошечный. big - большой). 6. I found yesterdays film not so fascinating. (не такими захватывающими. boring - скучный). 7. . Next time when you come home from walk I`d like your clothes to be less filthy (менее запачканными. clean - чистый). 8. All the students in this group are very hardworking, only Bill is not so willing (не такой усердный. laxy - ленивый). 9. I am afraid Bill isn't also polite when he talks to his friends. (невежливый. rude - грубый). 10. The Smiths` car is not up-to-date but Mr Smith says he likes it. (несовременная. old-fashioned - старомодный). 11. The shops in this street were built over a hundred years ago, it is not surprising they are not modern and badly-equipped. (не новые. old - старый). 12. The last story in this book is not so impressive compared to the others . (не такая впечатляющая. unimpressive - то же значение).
1. Jessie is not so cheerful today. (не такая радостная. gloomy - хмурый) 2. Polly's new dress is not so light. (не такое светлое. dark - темный) 3. Mary was nervous and unhappy yesterday, but today she is not so fussy. (не такая суетливая. calm - спокойный). 4. I suddenly understood that this character in the book was not kindly and at times even cruel. (недружелюбный. unkindly - то же значение). 5. The baby has grown up a little. It is not so tiny now. (не такой крошечный. big - большой). 6. I found yesterdays film not so fascinating. (не такими захватывающими. boring - скучный). 7. . Next time when you come home from walk I`d like your clothes to be less filthy (менее запачканными. clean - чистый). 8. All the students in this group are very hardworking, only Bill is not so willing (не такой усердный. laxy - ленивый). 9. I am afraid Bill isn't also polite when he talks to his friends. (невежливый. rude - грубый). 10. The Smiths` car is not up-to-date but Mr Smith says he likes it. (несовременная. old-fashioned - старомодный). 11. The shops in this street were built over a hundred years ago, it is not surprising they are not modern and badly-equipped. (не новые. old - старый). 12. The last story in this book is not so impressive compared to the others . (не такая впечатляющая. unimpressive - то же значение).

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